Good Life Choices

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Hey everyone!! Welcome back to any readers from my previous multi-chap fic and welcome to anyone who happens to stumble upon this! I had a lot of fun writing this story and it didn't take me as nearly as long as eight months this time.

This story is going to have a lot of twists and turns, but also a lot of bonding and growth between Tony and Peter. Not just Tony and Peter bonding, but also character development between Tony and Pepper as well as Rhodey. We love a family :') It'll be updated every Friday, this is the first of thirteen chapters!

I can't wait to hear your feedback! I hope you all enjoy reading the story as much as I did writing it! Have fun and stay safe❤🧡💛💚💙💜


Tony Stark: genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. The owner and CEO of Stark Industries, a multinational company that produces innovative weapons to supply to the United States Armed Forces. After inheriting it from the interim CEO and family friend Obadiah Stane after his father Howard Stark's passing, Tony turned it into a monopoly of highly advanced weapons. However, Tony is about to add another title to that long-winded introduction: adoptive father. Not entirely by his choice, either.

"Explain to me again why we're pulling this insane stunt?" Tony questions Obadiah next to him. "If I didn't trust you this much I would've called you crazy and fired you. I shouldn't trust you this much," he grumbles with his arms crossed.

"Just relax, it'll be perfect," Obadiah assures. "The cold-hearted player Tony Stark adopts a kid! In their words, obviously. Not mine. Then, you're in every newspaper! The topic of every headline! Stocks will go up again, investors will come flooding in, and everything'll go back to normal." Tony scoffs at his friend's nonchalant tone and turns to fully in the pleather look at him.

"Then what? We just release it into the wild? Last time I checked, a toddler doesn't come with a damn gift receipt," he whispers harshly so that the social worker in the other room doesn't hear their arguing. It's not like what they're doing is ethical, per se. Obadiah shrugs his shoulders casually.

"No, but if things...aren't working out," he smiles slyly, "then who's going to blame us for wanting to return the kid to get him in a home better suited for him? Look, Tony, we only need this to work long enough to get the media back on your side, right? We don't want the entire business your father built from the ground up to crumble away just at some, some bad press." Tony sighs and rubs his hands over his face.

"This is different. This is a living, breathing... thing. Pepper's right, she always says how I can barely take care of myself. How would I take care of a kid?" Just the idea of having a small, fragile human running through the mansion without remorse is more than he can handle. Obadiah clasps a firm, comforting hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Leave that to me and Pepper. You have nothing to worry about, my boy. This kid isn't going to be a problem. His background is spotless." Tony's disbelieving eyes narrow.

"He's a toddler, not a convict," he counters. Obadiah simply waves him off.

"You'd be surprised what some of these orphans have gone through. Don't want you getting a messed up kid. But, that does mean you have to stay away from the alcohol for awhile. No alcohol, like we promised the lawyers and adoption agency. You get the kid taken away and our chances are as good as gone." Tony nods begrudgingly.

"Yeah, yeah. That's not gonna be difficult since you made me throw all my bottles out," he mutters. His nerves are already shot and he hasn't even met the kid yet. He saw pictures, yeah, but Obadiah was the one who met the kid whenever it was required. From what Obadiah has told Tony, the kid is apparently the most easygoing of the lot. Tony just wishes he could remember the kid's name. Goddamnit, Stark. You could memorize the periodic table and radioactive isotopes at ten years old, but can't remember a four-year-old's name? Fantastic.

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