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You were sitting in front of the classroom and Baldi was teaching the class. He gave everybody three questions to answer and they all got them right. He then looked at you and smiled mischievously. He then wrote your problems on the chalkboard. "Ok (Y/N), what's 2+2?" He asked you. "4..." you answered. "Great, now what's 13-1?" he asked. "12.." you answered. He then smiled mischievously again. "Good, now what's 0720570743277474375974597497275+874t7t47t4047740t047times70750720407057403750740?"You started to sweat and said a random number. "12?" (Kindly Keyin reference.)He then looked at you shocked(seen in the picture above.) His mouth was dropped and he started to sweat. "How did they get that right?!" he thought. He then reached into his pocket and gave you 5 quarters. You smiled and laughed. Then the whole class started to laugh as well. 

The End...

Heyyyy guys! I hope you like this little one-shot! This was requested by AppleBuddy556. Hopefully, it was what they were looking for...Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed!

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed!

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