Pen-Pal, from Louis.

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                             pen-pal (I can’t believe my school is making my do this, this is for little kids...),

This is weird; I don’t know what to write! Which in itself is strange because normally I talk way too much, and writing is just like talking on paper, I guess.

We did this in French class once a few years ago, but that was actually easier, because I just had to use all the rudimentary French I knew (a.k.a. not very much) to make an extremely short letter. But if I used all the English I know in this letter, it would be an extremely LONG and probably boring note. And then you’d think I was incredibly boring, which isn’t true, I swear!

Anyway, I suppose I’d better introduce myself. I’m Louis, and if you pronounce my name ‘Lewis’, don’t blame me when I kill you. I’m eighteen, and my birthday is on 24th December. I have five younger sisters: Lottie, Georgia, Fizzy and Daisy and Phoebe. They’re always stealing my clothes because apparently stripes are girly, and even though they’re all way younger than me...I’m pretty short.

I’m doing two A Levels, in Drama and English. I would do Music because I love singing, but I can’t play any instruments. I mean, I can play ‘Mr Brightside’ (A/N: Hannah, if you’re reading, I am not unnecessarily mentioning this song. It is actually one of the only two Louis can play ;) This was why I was fangirling yesterday, because it’s a Larry song.) and ‘How to save a life’ on the piano, but other than that I’m useless.

When I’m older I want to be a Drama teacher, but I haven’t actually told anyone else that, because they already think I’m gay, and I get teased enough for that as it is. I haven’t actually told anyone that I am gay, not even my Mum. So I don’t know why I’m telling you...

I have a ‘girlfriend’, though, so most people have stopped teasing me, calling me a Faggot and every other horrid name they can think of. She’s called Eleanor, but she’s just a good friend, really.

Okay, I’ve got to go. My English teacher, Mr. Cowell, keeps telling me to leave so he can have his lunch break.

Hope you’re not a homophobe!



Letters to You (Larry Stylinson, Niam Horayne, Feltson, Phan)- 1D/HPActors)Where stories live. Discover now