To LiLi, Love Niall x

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To LiLi,

How do you know my nickname? Louis and Zayn have called me Little Nialler since Primary School! Definitely do not worry about Harry; Louis is a thousand times WORSE!

“Do you think he likes me?”, “Is he even gay?”, “He loves musical theatre- that can’t be entirely straight, can it?” and “Am I being too stereotypical?” are all questions I have been asked within the past ten minutes.

Judging from what I’ve seen of their letters (and admittedly I can’t look at too many of them without throwing up from the cuteness), they’re both either MASSIVE flirts, or they’re into each other. Or both.

Our school has organized a trip to go see your play (after Louis bugged our head teacher about it for five solid days and refused to go to class unless he got his way), so I guess we’ll meet up then! I can’t wait to finally see what you look like! Maybe we can try and set Harry and Louis up then. I mean, it’s not like we live that far apart anyway!

Yes, I’m going to be Teen Angel—there’s already so much pressure! Learning lines, having a solo...EEK!

Also, I actually think Louis has reached the point where he is physically incapable of communicating in sentences that don’t include the word ‘Harry’ anymore.


Niall x

Letters to You (Larry Stylinson, Niam Horayne, Feltson, Phan)- 1D/HPActors)Where stories live. Discover now