Dear Louis, Love Hazza

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Dear Louis,

I think your Zayn and my Nick might get along! Nick has his hair in a hair-sprayed-to-death quiff as well! I tried throwing a pencil at him today, but it hit him in the eye and I got a detention. I guess my aim isn’t very good...

I don’t mind being in detention, though, because it means I get to write to you! Ed says I’m crazy for actually enjoying this project, but he’s writing to a girl called Cher and I don’t think he likes her very much.

I do know Rebecca—she’s very shy but she’s really pretty, too! I asked her about Zayn and she blushed and said he seemed nice, so I guess that’s a good sign!

I don’t like dancing because I suck at it! I have the co-ordination of a duck on roller-skates.

My English teacher, Mr. Walsh, read my letters too! I can’t believe yours did the whole Gay talk thing with you, though. How embarrassing!

I know this is a short and crappy letter, but I think Liam’s trying to get my attention, so I’ve got to go...


Hazza (I love the nickname, by the way!)

Letters to You (Larry Stylinson, Niam Horayne, Feltson, Phan)- 1D/HPActors)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя