To Nialler, From Liam

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To Nialler,

Can you ask what Louis’ doing to make Harry squeal like a thirteen-year-old girl whenever he gets his letters? I’m just slightly concerned for my best friend’s mental health.

He just got Louis’ latest letter and I swear, the boy cannot stop blushing! (I’ve never seen him with such an obvious crush on someone before but he’s refusing to admit it).

So I got a small part in our school play, but a little birdy (by which I of course mean Harry, who is how forcing me to analyse all of Louis’ letters) told me that you’re going to be Teen Angel in your performance. That’s a massive part: well done! I’m sure you’ll be brilliant.

Anyway, Harry’s started jumping up and down in his seat, so I’d better go and calm him down and, you know, remind him that HE’S NEVER MET LOUIS.



Letters to You (Larry Stylinson, Niam Horayne, Feltson, Phan)- 1D/HPActors)Where stories live. Discover now