We Are Sick - Chapter Twelve

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We Are Sick

Chapter Twelve

The next day was misty, dark, miserable. A pathetic fallacy in Amelie's eyes. Pathetic is one way to describe it. She grew bored of staring up at the lake above her, ever since she had returned from the mission, she felt nothing but negative of everything around her. It could also be because she was lacking sleep, she only managed a few hours on the way back to the academy. She couldn't stop worrying about Ken otherwise.

"What were the Jiyu like? Were they horrible, scary?" Mandy inquired some more to Adam, who was parading around the cafeteria, like he was the 'proud knight of the academy'. He had already gained an audience as many of the other students gathered around the table, eager to hear about the mission and wished to learn the scary details. Adam, as usual, took every opportunity he could get to appear as the hero, when in fact he did nothing in the mission and was absolutely useless.

"The Jiyu were awful, but obviously thanks to our skills, we were able to get away. Plus, they're so stupid, they left all the computers on, so we were able to hack the files from them." We? More like Amelie did. Adam just sat like a spectator and watched the whole event, without lifting a finger.

"Were you scared?" One of the boys asked, Adam shrugged with a smirk, the cockiness had never been so present on his face.

"Nah, not really. You can't be scared on missions like these." Bullshit. Absolute bull. She had enough. Amelie stood up from the table and grabbed her tray, with food that hadn't been touched. She couldn't stand to hear anymore of Adam's fake and ridiculous stories. Her actions immediately grabbed Adam's attention.

"Where are you going?" Adam asked.

"Away from you." She muttered, walking away from the table. She could hear the students murmur, as she dumped her tray in the bin and walked out of the cafeteria; back to her dorm.

She couldn't think straight since her return, she couldn't stop remembering that moment, that second when Ken broke her gaze, her touch. It was like she wasn't there. She tried to rake through things she might have done for him to react like that. But realistically she couldn't remember anything. What did the Jiyu do to him?

"Amelie!" She could hear Adam call behind her, she chuckled to herself. She was surprised that he actually chased after her, she thought he would be grabbing all the attention he 'deserved', he did 'participate' in the mission after all, "What's wrong?" He asked, gently brushing his hand on her wrist, to which she quickly snatched away and continued walking away from him. She just wanted to get away from him for a while.

"I'm not going to sit around and listen to you making yourself out to be the hero, when you were literally shitting your pants through most of the mission!" Amelie hissed. For some reason Adam was suddenly angry, that she didn't see why he needed to lie.

"Look, what else am I going to say? That I was a coward?" He yelled, frustrated that she didn't understand the pressure he had of maintaining his reputation, he was highly respected he didn't want to lose it all.

"Yeah, because that's what you were!" She yelled back at him.

"I know I was...but I have no courage to tell them..." Amelie sighed and stopped walking. Adam stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist to hug her from behind, "I know you're going through a lot right now. I'm sorry for not comforting you like I should be. Lots of things has changed." Amelie didn't say anything, she watched as one of fish was swimming from above across the dome.

"Do you think Ken will be okay?" She asked.

"Of course he'll be." Adam whispered, nuzzling into her soft, warm neck, "Do you still want to be away from me? I can leave you alone if you want." Amelie chuckled, and patted Adam's cheeks.

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