How to Write a Decent Were-Story - Part 1: IDEA

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1) I'm so sorry I haven't written in ages; I was having life-problems, but that's still no excuse to let you awesome guys down :'(

2) HOLY CHEESEBALLS over 1K reads! I'm stunned. Honestly. I have the best readers.


Oki Doki Loki. Let's get started.

Before I went through a HUGE PATCH of WRITER'S BLOCK, some readers were telling me that they used my book to help them write.

So in this series-y-thing, I will give writing advice. Not instructions; every writer has their own styles and habits. Instead, chapters of tips, ideas and advice on writing werewolf fiction.


How to Write a Decent Were-Story - Part 1: IDEA

There are two ways you can set out to write a story: you can a) decide you want to write one, or b) have a good idea for one. While both may have a similar end product, if the writer takes route b), the story is likely to flow better, be of higher quality, and the writer is less likely to lose interest half way through (don't diss it, we've all been there).

It is very likely that most repetitive were-books are born from the author reading a similar story and wanting to write their own, rather than any creative urge.

So, if you want to write a unique, interesting werewolf story, what should you do?

• Consider where you want the story to go. You see many books where the initial idea has been completely abandoned half-way through the story; and it's even worse when the title matches the beginning, yet doesn't fit at all later on. So know in advance what you want from your story. It's COMMON SENSE people!

• Don't overcomplicate your plot. Your MC can be badass, clever, secretly really strong, mated to the Alpha yet rejected, but secret Royalty too?! That's going WAY too far.

• Consider your characters' names. You don't have to decide straight away, but when you do, think them through (hey that rhymed ^_^).

An exotic name makes them seem foreign, and badass name makes them seem tough - or exasperating. It depends, badass names are being overused at lot.

Actually, wait. I'm going to do names in its own chapter. Because I have a HECK of a lot to rant about them.

Basically, people judge your character by their name. SO THINK IT THROUGH.

• Get a Good Title. If you have read the beginning of this book (if not, READ IT), you will know how strictly I judge people's titles. You don't want to read a story called "My barf is blue and wobbles like JELLY?!??!!!", so don't name your book something equally horrifying.

Likewise, we don't want another story simply called 'ALPHA'. We get you're trying to be dramatic, but there are already 10,000 books called that, so why not be unique for a change? A good way of checking your title isn't overused is searching it in the Discover section. If there are more than twenty books with the same name, you might want to consider something else ;)


To sum up:

•Have an original plot.

•Know where you are going with it, don't change your mind halfway through.

•Choose names and other key features wisely; there's ALWAYS someone judging you.

•Be true to yourself.

Don't be the millionth person to call your character Skylar because people dig it, and you want readers. Even if (unfortunately) no-one likes your story: YOU should like it.

You are your own biggest supporter, and your harshest critic. If you don't like your story, no-one will.


More coming.

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Soooo tired...

- PurringFeline

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