Guide, part 2 - the Dreaded Blurb

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This isn't really a rant (I lie). I just thought it was necessary.


You're eyes have travelled down from the title to the blurb. This should be one of the most important 'tells' you look at. Some things that give a BWC (badly written cliché) away are:

• bad grammar, punctuation or spelling. I don't freak out about the occasional slip-up, but if the person has obviously not bothered to reread, or is using text speak, then THERE IS NO EXCUSE. I don't care HOW good your book is, HOW original your ideas are, there is NO WAY I am gonna put my poor brain through that kinda torture. END OF.

'I know this sounds cliché but I promise it gets better'. Oh. My. Non-existent. GOD! The amount of times I have read this. The amount of time YOU have read this. The amount of times it was a MASSIVE LIE. I only ignore this if the story really, really interests me = hardly ever.

• the characters are given a profile worthy of a 'child, missing' file (and then some). Tend to, often, always are a BWC.

' - the darkest, most powerful Alpha in the world. His name was ________.' (Please choose and insert one of the following; Storm, Darkness, Shadow, Hunter, Steel, Magnesium, Lightning, Scar, Fang, Scorpion or Pikachu.) Seriously, enough with the over-the-top, too-exaggerated bad boy image. It's a huge TURN OFF.

• anything with the words: Harry, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam, OneDirection, Beiber, or FanFiction. Sorry, but this is a WEREWOLF story. Not a boyband fan club. So get the heck out of my story!

• From CatMint5: "The blurb is ten rows long and that is only one sentence, sometimes followed by a smiley face. Maybe it's just me, but I think smileys should only be used in A/N-s and rant books, not in a story (except when a character is texting)."

There may be other things that YOU PERSONALLY don't like. I will stop reading any story with incest or student/teacher relationships. Apply your own judgement.

I know this is short but I hope it helps ;)

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