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Dreams scurry deserting its imagination in my sleep.

As horror returns, Days burn, nights stir, time is a blur.

Like the first seconds underwater, my thoughts are a slur.

Nightmares folding into folds of fears, making me reap.

Awake at half past dead, a mute ringing inside my head.

An ill conceived supremacy, over the sleeping folks.

Try to convince myself, as I lay curled up in my bed

Only a desperate explanation, it goes up in smokes.

Sleepless state replays in mind, people and things left behind.

The, 'could haves' and 'should haves' I regretfully reminisced.

Trysts I kissed and ends with twists, and the people I missed.

Pouring regrets onto my Pillow, hoping to clear and unwind.

Heavy Eyelids a luxury, after alienating the nursing sleep.

Groping blindly at thin streaks of drowse, Eyes willingly shut.

The racing brain with no blink or doze, leaves the night uncut.

Does it really help? the self help and the counting of sheep?

A Friend and Foe in equal measure, the excruciating Insomnia.

A Faerie-land for the thinking mind, and people of that kind.

An Oasis on the lonely creaking of the bed, for the suffering minds.

With an eerie presence he returns drowning me in Euphoria.

Waking up a daily cruelty, I dread day as much as night.

Trying to circumvent the rising I do not fall asleep.

The days grey and dark, losing track of sun and Moon.

My fight is with fright, in my flight, I yearn to feel light.

Day extends pain, the Night offers no peaceful sleep.

-Harish Vaid

"O sleep, O gentle sleep, Nature's soft nurse, how have I frightened thee. That thou no more will weigh my eyelids down, And steep my senses in forgetfulness?"

― William Shakespeare, in (Henry IV, Part 2)

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