The Little Bird Named 'Hope'

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(Sound clip attached)

The tiny fragile creature, that has nestled within,

That has given warmth to me and many of my kin.

That dainty fledgling that has a nest built in my chest.

In the eye of the greatest storm that ever stoked unrest.

It's the day when small wings braved harsh winds, yet soared high.

i took flight with the dauntless bird.

On cold nights, when the frost bites, the white-feathered bird,

Perching on the twig of my soul's fern, sang melodies many,

Till warmth crept into my heart when this song, I overheard.

The song never stopped; goading my will in my battles many.

It's the day when i was taught that battle songs can be soft.

i sang a lucid mellifluous song with the bird.

This pint sized bird, that had the fiercest of gales, defeated.

The bitter-sore storms, in the icy caves they hide retreated.

This Song-bird has accompanied me in my many voyages,

This Nestling of mine and yours has been called by the name 'Hope'.

It's the day i was taught that clarity of mind brings peace.

i saw the bird take flight as a pure white dove.

Like the invisible hands of a Guardian Angel on my shoulders,

This white feathered bird has poured strength into my heart.

In the face of the greatest of extremities, and daunting nights,

'Hope' has stayed by my side singing, asking nothing in return.

It's the day i was taught that, smallest hearts can be the kindest.

i grew an armour made of the softest feathers and hope.

Listen to the "please do not", listen to the "it's impossible", listen to the "you are not good enough, you never will be", listen to the "you must not", listen to the "you cannot", listen to all those geniuses and losers who think that you are not good enough.

And then listen to me, "Anything can be, all you need is a little hope and the faith in yourself, will to dream and you'll swim against all odds, rise and do a back-flip like a dolphin in the face of the people who told you, that you cannot.

Amor Vincent Omnia :P

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