If Only

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(Val POV)

The next day I was eating lunch with some of the tourney guys when I see Mal making her way over.

"There you are! I need you!" Mal says as she grabs my arm and pulls me up.

"I'll see you guys later," I call back to the team as we walk away.

"Now, I have to find Evie," Mal says. I look around and see her over by Doug.

"Mal, over there," I say pointing at Evie and we walk over there.

"I have been looking for you literally everywhere!" Mal tells Evie very stressed out.

"What's wrong?" Evie and I ask at the same time.

"Ben just asked me out on..." Mal answers before huffing. "...a date."

"Nice!" I say with a big smile knowing Mal actually likes him whether she's willing to admit it or not.

"We can handle this. Bye," Evie says as she stands and walks to Mal.

"Bye," Doug says and we start walking to the dorm.

"You're looking a little pale," Evie says as she looks at Mal's face.

"Yeah, of course," Mal states.

"I can fix that with some gloss and some blush," Evie explains.

"No!" Mal says.

"Mal, I can use the..." Evie tries.

"No, no, no," Mal states. We make it to the dorm and I start looking through the clothes that Evie has made. I find a purple dress, a black leather jacket, and black boots before showing Evie.

"That's perfect," Evie says.

"Get dressed," I tell Mal as I hand her the clothes. After she changes I lightly curl the ends of her hair. Evie then starts putting some makeup on Mal.

"Okay. Easy on the blush. I don't want to scare him away. Not that I could," Mal states as Evie does the blush.

"Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes," Evie explains.

"Our mom was never really big on makeup tips," Mal says.

"I never had a sister," Evie says trying to make Mal feel better.

"Well, now you do. We're going to need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off," I tell Evie as I put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. Just ask snow white," Evie explains.

"Are you afraid of her?" Mal asks.

"Sometimes. Are you both afraid of your mom?" Evie asks us. I nod my head.

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