| Chapter |03|

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              ¤The Barbarian's Girl¤     

Isabella was standing there dazzled, she wished she heard wrong. Eric was the prince, the only son of the Queen and King. He is the successor of the throne. She didn't like the idea of him coming back. She was uncomfortable and uneasy around him. He was really weird. She knew she shouldn't judge him but she preferred to keep her distance from him. He was a gentleman and really sweet when he was with other people but when he was alone with her, his behavior changes.

He would look observe her from head to toe. He wouldn't take his eyes off of her, while she was just avoiding his eyes, not until someone talks to him forcing him to remove his eyes. He would throw glances, eyes full of desire and lust her. He wouldn't miss the chance to touch her when she walked by him.

She didn't like that at all, she actually hated it. She would feel chills of disgust run down her arms as soon as he touched her skin. He might be handsome with his green eyes and shiny blonde and noticable freckles with clear pale, skin but that doesn't mean he would do whatever he wanted. A lot of ladies flirt with him when he is around. He would just give them a breathtaking smile and leave.

She just wished he would be like how she remembers him. She hoped that he matured and finally act like a gentleman and not like a jerk. She decided to stop thinking about him because she had to cook. She decided to fix rosemary and garlic roast beef with some roast potatoes since there wasn't something better as it seems they enjoy it a lot.

She walked around the table in the middle of the kitchen to take all the ingredients she needed. It was still difficult for her to remember where everything was placed but she was starting to learn it. After making sure she had everything out, she began.

It was almost dinner time when the food was ready. She quickly exited the kitchen and headed to the dining room. She didn't see the reason as to why they would eat there, the room is really big and the table, too. It would only be the three of them. Shrugging, she entered the room. She went to the closet, that was inside the room, where they stored the tablecloth and napkins and plates with glasses for special occasions and today was one of them.

She took out the red tablecloth and placed it nicely on the table, then she grabbed three plates, placing them on the table in front of their seats, then she puts two different glasses, on for wine and the other for water. She puts the spoons and forks with knifes beside the white plates. She would hear the other maids running around the hall to get everything done.

Once she is done, she heard voices coming from downstairs, she immediately know he is here. She escorted herself back to the kitchen as footsteps were heard from the hall, approaching the dining room. After five minutes, a maid walked in, looking like she was in a hurry. She grabbed the one plate with food, she assumes that they wanted to eat. She decided to help and picked the other plate as the girl walked in again.

She gave her a grateful smile, looking at her with gentle eyes, before she exited the kitchen with the wine and water. Isabella followed her closely and soon they were in the dining room. Eric's eyes landed on her as soon as she entered the room. Isabella ignored his stare as she placed the plate in the middle of table.

She stood beside the other maid with her head bowed in respect. She could still feel his stare on her making herself in her shift uncomfortable in her feet. She would feel her face getting hotter as she hate the attention he gave her. She would feel her muscles tense.

He looked away when his mother asked him something. She signed in relief feeling her muscles loosen up a little. "You can go." She heard the King, Maximous, say waving them off with his hand. They bowed before they almost jogged out of the room.

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