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« Inferiority Complex: an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behaviour in compensation. »


Jane Miller heard sobbing coming from behind the closed door. Instantly, she felt her heart ache for whoever was suffering at that moment. Her instincts pushed her to investigate and she found herself walking in the direction of the bathroom.

She raised her hand, balled into a fist, and was about to knock. But stopped at the last minute. She hesitated. Her fist still lingered in the air, mere centimeters away from the wooden door.

That voice inside of her has made its appearance. All of her attention was focused on what it was saying. And she found herself agreeing to it. She should not be snooping into what didn't concern her. Maybe that person wanted some time alone and her interference could worsen everything. She surely didn't want that.

She let her hand fall to her side and turned away from the door.

But then the sobbing became louder. At that moment, her instincts was stronger than the voice and she was once again facing the door. Without thinking, she raised her fist for the second time and knocked.

Silence reigned for a few seconds on the other side of the door. Then, a voice so timid and hoarse from crying was heard.

"Who is it?"

Jane instantly recognized the voice of her friend, Kailey. She quickly pushed open the door and the sight in front of her nearly broke her heart. Her friend was leaning against the wall at the far end of the bathroom, her eyes red and puffy from having cried too much and her face pale as a ghost.

Jane rushed to her and engulfed her into a hug. Kailey let herself fall into the embrace of her friend and pour her sorrow onto the latter's shoulders.

Jane tightened her hold on her friend and whispered soothing words into her ear, wanting by all means to calm her down and make her feel better.

And it worked. Kailey pulled away and wiped away the last drop of tears from her eyes. She then smiled at Jane and sniffed a few times.

"I'm sorry for wetting your shirt," she apologized as she frown at her friend's now soaked t-shirt.

Jane huffed. "Why are you apologizing for such trivial matter? Tell me what happened to you," she said softly.

Kailey swallowed and looked down at her hands which were being held by her friend's. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips when she realised how lucky she was to have a supportive friend like Jane.

"Jason and I broke up," she revealed in a sad voice.

Jane gasped as she absorbed the news. To be honest with herself, she had a feeling from day one —when her friend and that popular guy started going out together —that things wouldn't work out. But she didn't have the heart to tell Kailey about it. Her friend had seemed so happy being with him and she didn't want to ruin her bubble.

If only she'd acted earlier, Kailey would not have been in such a situation. But then who knows, maybe Kailey would have hated her for not giving the relationship a chance.

"I'm sorry, Kailey," she said and cringed inwardly at how lame she sounded. She could have done better than just saying sorry.

"No it's okay," replied Kailey. "I should have been wise enough to realise that he was not good for me."

Jane frowned. "Don't be too hard on yourself, Kai. We all make mistakes and we should learn from them," she said with so much confidence that made her friend smile again.

"Besides, just like you've said, he was not good for you. Because you deserve so much better," Jane encouraged and smiled genuinely at Kailey.

The latter grinned and pulled her friend into a hug.

"What did I do to deserve such an encouraging friend like you," she murmured to herself but it didn't went unheard by Jane.

"What do you mean?" Jane asked.

"You are so encouraging and supportive and I don't know how we became friends. But I'm grateful for it," Kailey explained.

Jane rolled her eyes and pulled her friend out of the bathroom. "Everyone would have said the same thing, Kailey. It's no big deal really," she said.

Kailey chuckled and shook her head. "Not everyone, trust me," she said.

Ironically, Jane did not heard her this time.

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Stay beyoutiful,

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