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C H A P T E R 2 ~


Finally we got to where ever the hell we are, and the doors opened and I instantly made a run for it. I was soon grabbed and hoisted onto Ray's shoulders in a fireman's carry and taken into a house with bars on the windows and voice command door locks. I am not allowed to leave, this is like jail. There is video games and T.V, and I have access to everywhere and everything except outside. I look at the guys standing around me, then I turned to Ronald. He made me suffer so much and now this....I walked up to him looking him directly in the eyes and I let out a growling threat. "I will kill you and you will not have a say, this has gone way too far Ronald," I hissed his name like it was posion on my lips. I moved away from him to explore this house constantly accomplanied by Ray. 

"Why did you say that to him.." Ray questioned as he pointed to the bathroom and I nodded now knowing where everything was. "I am his ex, he used to beat me," I replied. Remembering every punch every smack every time he pushed me down the stair case, every time he would scream at me then for some reason we would kiss and make up. I don't know why we did, but we did. We walked to a room with a label on the door 'Jacey' I looked at it then opened the door. Inside was my dream bedroom. I miled jumped on the bed curling up in a ball wanting this to be over. I may have the room of my dreams, but my brother will be worried and I won't be able to ever go anywhere alone again..maybe if I play along until I have the perfect opening then I can get Ronald arrested, but what about Ray...and Josh, James. and Blueara they seem nice enough. Great I don't want my kidnappers in jail! What's wrong with me? I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"Get that girl" Ronald screamed as I ran towards the road. I was talked down and pinned by Ray, tears coated my face. Please let me go..please I wanted to say and the look of sorrow on his face told me he probably would have, but I just sighed and gave up. Letting him lead me back to Ronald who smacked me across the face and grabbed my throat pulling me close.

"You are so gonna be punished. GET IN THE HOUSE." he threw me to the front sdoor and I stumbled in. I sit on the large couch as the boys enter and leave me alone with Ronald...Ronald the one who used to beat me because I wasn't pretty enough, emo enough. Yet would tell me he loves me.....

'You need to leave me alone," I whimpered I didn't want to be hurt again. I didn't want to go through that not again. 

"To bad, you disobeyed me... I don't know how you got out but I need you to learn a lesson," He hissed in my face as I cringed. He smiled punching my stomach, I let out a small yelp and kneeled over trying to get the pain to ease. I secretly wiped away my tears and stood up pushing him off, and  ran to my room locking the door behind me...Oh god he is going to get me..again. I started to sob.


I wake up with tears on my face and for some reason I find myself getting up and walking out of my room to the room labeled 'Ray and James' I knocked quietly still crying half asleep and not knowing what I am doing. Ray opens the door in just his boxeers and I try wiping away the tears, he looks at me and steps out of the room closing his door. 

"What's wrong?" Ray asked tiredly and rubbed his eyes I started crying again remembering his face in my dream. His eyes went wide and he walked into his room coming out in pj pants and led me back to my bedroom. I sat on the bed crying and he sighed sitting beside me.

"I has a nightmare. Please let me go..Let me leave here..I am scared. Ronald..he..he will beat me again, I started to sob again and Ray looks at me with wide eyes and he thinks for a moment. "I won't let him hurt you," Ray promised pulling me into a hug and then tucking me into bed and laying above the blankets beside me. I cried myself back to a dreamless sleep, Ray laying protectively by my side.


OMG GUYS! so this is one of my first stories and I am liking the way its heading so please tell me what you think and VOTE AND LIKE PLEASE. 


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