"If We Could Only Turn Back Time"

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Moments in time.

"You know I'll be your-" I changed the radio. I couldn't deal with a depressing song, I am already depressed enough as it is.

 Like people scream to the heavens, "WHY ME?!" But really, why me? 

I am not funny, not pretty, not smart, not tall, not skinny. I am just normal me. I am a girl, but, psh, does that matter?

 If you live anywhere but 'here,' then no, it doesn't matter. However, if you do live 'here,' 'here' being Hell on earth, then being a woman is everything. It changes whether you can work, go to school, how to deal with your body...Disgusting I know.

 Where I live, girls are looked down upon since birth. If you are a lucky rich girl, you MIGHT get to go to school up to second grade. If not, then tough luck.

I was a mistake. Every day I am told that by my parents and brother. Life isn't fair. Those three words describe me. 

I want to make life fair. Woman are human beings, just like men, so why are we treated so differently?!

Sorry for my ranting, it is so disgusting to think about not having ANY rights at all.

You know how people often refer back to the Middle Ages to say how women didnt used to have a lot of rights? Well imagine you are living in the Middle Ages. Now there they tell you that back in 3000BC women were treated worse than cattle.

Women in my community are those treated worse than cattle. Cows here can roam whereever they want. Woman are confined to their homes. Sicken you much?


Hi, let me formally introduce myself, I am Jessica Lee. There, is that good enough?

As you can tell, I don't give a crap towards rules, however, that is only on the inside.

On the outside, I am the polite, ditzy, little 14 year old who loves their parents and listens to what ever they say.

I have to keep up the act that I will be submissive, for it will be an even better shock for when I completely escape this horrible society.

"Father, what day is it? Is it Frurday? Oh silly me, I can't remember! Wasn't yesterorrow Mondesday?" I asked bringing my finger to my lip and chewing on it like I was deep in thought.

When I was four I had already begun teaching myself Calculus, so I think by the time I am 14 I would know the days of the week, but my father doesn't have to know that.

He fake chuckled.

 "Oh silly Jessica, today is Thursday. Here, I will repeat it, TH-UR-S-DAY. Now, we can say it together, your turn!"

Hmm, he was actually trying to reach me something? And being patient? Maybe he is getting stressed about the 'raffles'

 I will make him shaking in nervousness then. "THHHH...I CAN'T DO IT!" I screamed falling in a heap on the ground. 

I could see him smirk but he wiped it off his face. Instead he came towards me but hesitated.

In my fourteen years of living, I dont think he has EVER made physical contact with me. Why would he, he is a man. It is a woman's job to take care of the children. Silly me, how could I forget that? *note the sarcasm*

 "It's, it's ok, we will work on that some more tomorrow. Tom-or-row. Tomorrow." he said as he quickly left the room.

 I smirked to myself. How easy this was going to be.

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