Ass | Ushijima Wakatoshi

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((In this soulmate au, the first words you say to your soulmate appear on your wrist right after you say them.))

As a member of Shiratorizawa's equestrian club, you naturaly spent a lot of time at the stables. You did more of the maintenance work than the other third years simply because you loved being around the horses and didn't mind getting your hands dirty.

In the evening, after your chores were done and the others had already left, you could often be found just hanging around the stalls or pastures reading a book or studying. 

From the start of this year, someone had come to the club to accompany you in your quiet time. He was still young and had to get used to living here, but you had built a connection with him soon after his arrival. His name was Fozzie and he was a miniature donkey.

After a week on the property he started following you around everywhere and he often took naps with his head in your lap while you were reading or studying.

Today was one of those evenings; you were sitting on the ground with your back against the stable wall and Fozzie's head in your lap. It was getting later in the evening and you figured you had about half an hour of good light left to try and finish the novel you were reading.

You hadn't registered the sound of someone approaching until they were only a few feet away. Not many people used this dirt road other than the equestrian club, just in the evenings some stragglers who had stayed late for their club practice and wanted to get a quick hot meal from the vending machine that was next to the equestrian clubroom.

When you finally realised someone was walking toward you, you looked up and saw a big, stern looking guy holding a volleyball in each arm. At least, you thought they were volleyballs, you were not that good at telling all the ballsports apart.

He was wearing a track suit in Shiratorizawa's colors, you couldn't help but pity the male students for having to wear pink all the time, and his olive eyes were locked onto your book. Or maybe he was looking at Fozzie, who was still snoozing in your lap, it was hard to tell.

An awkward silence hung as you both looked at each other, neither seeming to know what to say. Then he cleared his throat and motioned towards Fozzie. "That's a sweet ass."

As soon as the words left his mouth you could see the embarrassment on his face. That was not the best choice of words, it had probably sounded just fine in his head. You chuckled.

"Those are some nice balls." You replied jokingly, motioning towards the volleyballs, to hopefully make him feel less awkward about the situation. It was his turn to chuckle, and you had the feeling you were in a priviledged position to have heard him laugh, he did seem like the overly serious type.

You introduced yourself shortly and he did the same.

"Ushijima Wakatoshi."

With a nod of his head in greeting he started back on his way and you turned your attention back to your book, a grin still plastered on your face. 

You had not been able to read more than a few sentences when you heard the male stop in his tracks. At the same time you felt a tingling sensation on your wrist followed by a sharp sting. Shocked, you lifted your right arm and looked at your wrist.

"Those are some nice balls."

Your eyes widened in horror as you read back the words you had said only moments before from your wrist. Then your head snapped to the volleyball player still standing frozen in the middle of the road. 'Then his wrist must say...'

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