Answers (Ben's Pov)

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All day I've had the nagging thought to call prince rohan as soon as I could. I hardly even payed attention to anything else at all. Except for in the class right after lunch, the daughters of the muses were chatting about a fight in the center quad. I listened to every word and realised that it was audrey being rude to mel and trinity defending her for it.  I then make it priority for me to call prince rohan, and then find mel to cheer her up. So after school I get to my personal dorm and call the number prince rohan left for me.

"Prince rohan, yesterday you wrote this number down after your mother left, you were gonna tell me something?" I ask and silence is heard on the other end. "Yes, you've wanted to know the reason rose was sent to the isle, her mother and who exactly her mother is..." He answers in a whisper. "Yes I would like to know." "Well the reason why rose was sent to the isle was because mother decided to send her when she found out who her mother was, you know that. Well her mother is...Maleficent, and that's why mother thought rose would be better off on the isle." Rohan explains. "What?!" I exclaim in shock. "Shh, yes. Rose's mother is maleficent." He confirms. "That means that-" "That you brought rose back to auradon unknowingly, yes." Rohan continues for me. "Thank you, I've got to go now." I tell him sincerely and then hang up. 

I rush to FG's office and go in without knocking. "Why did you do it? Why did you do it and then lie about it?" I ask her and she looks up at me in confusion. "Do what benjamin?" She asks. "Rosie, Melrose Adeline the second is the daughter of Prince rohan the first and Maleficent Malora. You sent her to the isle. Melrose Adeline Malora is mel, but she doesn't know... Why doesn't she know. She's remembering and she doesn't even know. Why not? What did you do?" I ask. "I did what I had to do. I didn't want to do it, melrose was such a kind little girl and I tried to get queen leah to see that but she wouldn't see it. I had to take her to the isle and charm her memories so that she only remembered being on the isle since she was born, being born as Mildred Esther Malora. I made audrey think that she was gone and mal think she'd been born on the isle." Fg explains. 

"But shouldn't that have washed off when she got in the enchanted lake water?" I ask. "Well yes and no, see it would've given mel a few major memories but since I made it so that only Maleficent herself could tell her and get her to remember fully, she will not remember fully until maleficent does so." "By being back here she's gotten some of her memories back, but why haven't mal and audrey gotten those triggers?" Fg nods and gestures for me to sit down. "I made it so that mel had to fully remember before either of them start to remember anything." Fg explains.

"Well then, is there any other way to get her memories back?" "Technically yes... She could regain them slowly by the familiarity of everything around her, which could take forever. But the only way for her to regain them all at once is for maleficent to tell her who she truly is." "So all this time... All this time she had been a drive away from me, and you knew. Why didn't you-" "benjamin I was sworn to secrecy, I couldn't tell anyone. Queen leah made me swear on the wand. It's only acceptable that I tell you all of this is because you figured it out on your own." She cuts me off with. "This conversation stays between us. I will arrange to speak with queen leah over dinner and we'll handle mel remembering when it arises." I instruct and then storm out of the office. 

I bump into mal on my way to check on mel. "Woah there, you look mad. Are you mad at mel? If you are I'm gonna have to protect her." Mal says. "No I'm just going to check on her, hopefully she's doing better today." I explain, calming down a little. "Well I wouldn't be too sure about that, the daughters of the muses have been saying that audrey was being an ass to her. Anyway, just a warning. If I found out you hurt her in any way, I will turn you into a worm." Mal calls as she walks away. I get to mel's room and knock on the door. Trinity opens it. "Hey loverboy, why the frown?" She questions. "Ben!" Mel giggles happily from behind her. I smile when I see her grinning like the cheshire cat. "Have you ever had the smoothies faith makes? They're soo good." Mel says as she lightly shoves trinity aside and hugs me. "Can we go back to the spot? I wanna sit and talk." She asks pulling away. "Of course... Uhh right now though?" I ask when I see her getting her shoes and jacket on. "Yeah, I just wanna sit and talk with you in a quiet place." She says turning to look at me. "She's had almost four glasses of giggle water." Faith explains when I look at them for help.

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