Meeting new Friends (Mel's Pov)

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"Hi I'm Faith Riley Rider the daughter of Rapunzel and flynn. I'm so excited to get to know you." She exclaims as she drops her paintbrush and then hugs me tightly. "Hi, I'm mel the second daughter of maleficent." I reply with an equally large smile as I pat her on the back. Now I don't usually tell people this but I absolutely love hugs, especially ones that have meaning behind them. "My sister Ulyssia Rose Rider and her roomate Trinity of Maldonia are coming to meet you tonight, they also couldn't wait to meet you." 

So that night I get introduced to ulyssia, trinity and her twin brother nathan; they decide they wanna have a sleepover. "Hey little sis, it's okay if trin brought nate over too right?" Ulyssia asks as she walks in with trinity. "Lyssia it was only supposed to be a girl thing." Faith wines. "He's got pizza." Trinity adds with a smirk. "Fresh pizza?" I ask curiously and the girls gasp as if I've asked if murder was legal. "You've never had pizza! like warm out of the box pizza?" Faith asks in outrage. I shake my head and trinity brings me a box from her brother. I open the box and my mouth waters. "Go ahead and try some." Ulyssia urges. "Mmm, it's so good." I say after finishing a slice. Nathan plops down next to me and sizes me up. "You are one strange girl, but your fashion is absolutely inspirational. I could base a whole line off of that." He tells me and not knowing what to do I smile at him. After that we sit and watch some movies and play games the rest of the night. I'm gladly saying that I am able to call them friends. But when I go to sleep I have a strange dream.


"Rosie guess what?" Little ben asks the girl. "What ben?" Rosie asks. "Audrey smiled at me today, she even said hi." He tells her. "Benji You're only four years old, it's just saying hi." The girl replies. "And you're only three rosie, how would you know?" The boy sasses back. "I don't know why you like her so much, she's so mean to me." She says with a pout. "She's jealous of you for some reason." The little boy replies with a shrug.

*End flashback*

"Mel...Mel, trin go get her sister." I hear from above me. A few moments later I hear mal and jay. "Smelly melly, come on, upsy daisy." Jay goads. "Mels, can you open your eyes? Do you need the nurse?" Mal asks in a concerned tone. I open my eyes and look up at her, my head starts pounding. "Ugh, I had a dream about the same kids." I groan and sit up. "Are you okay mels? Faith could you go get the nurse." Mal asks. "This is becoming a bad habit smelly melly." Jay says as he sits on the edge of my bed. "If I could stop this I would jaybird, trust me when I say it's not fun." I comment dryly. The nurse came in and prescribed aspirin. "Alright mels, I've got your bags in my room since you forgot them. Come on let's get you clothes." Mel tells me and stands me up. As soon as we get into her room she sits me on the bed. "We went to the museum, to get the wand last night." She says suddenly. "Mel why didn't you come to get me?" I ask, semi hurt. "I did, I opened the door last night to get you and then I saw you eating pizza and having fun. You looked happy, almost like you were at home." She tells me with a small smile. "I wasn't gonna interrupt that." I smile up at her and thank her.

After that I get dressed and take my bags to my room. Then I go to class with faith, it's english class and I love writing. "Good morning class, I am Miss Merryweather. I will be teaching you advanced english in this class. I expect no nonsense and any misbehavior will get you sent straight to the headmistress." The teacher introduces giving a pointed look in my direction. "The reason why I'm introducing myself to you all is because we have a new student in class. Her name is Mildred Esther Malora, and I hope you treat her the same as you treat your fellow classmates." She continues. After there's no reply she turns back to the board and writes, QuickWrite, on the board. Before she can turn and say anything the classroom door opens and closes. Nate rushes over to the empty seat next to me with a smile. "Hey mels, feeling any better?" He asks in a whisper and I nod at him. "Mr. Nathaniel, good morning. Might you care to explain why you are late?" Miss Merryweather asks. "I was with the nurse, getting mel's aspirin since she forgot it." He hands me a bottle and I put it in my bag. "Two every four hours, but no more than six a day." He explains to me. "Thanks nate." I reply with a smile. "Alright focus up here, to the quickwrite of the day. The vase of roses on my desk is what you'll write about, I want a meaningful poem and you'll get a few minutes to do so. Starting now."

A rose, like love can be misleading.

It's beauty draws you in;

Then it's thorns hurt your skin.

And the feeling of love is fleeting.

After a while it goes depleting,

Leaving a bitter taste apon your tongue.

Drawing the oxygen from your lung.

"Time's up, let me pick one of your poems to read aloud. How about Miss Mildred." Miss Merryweather says and grabs my paper. I cringe at the full use of my name as she reads my poem. She compliments it and goes to pick another student's paper. "Nice poem mels, just one question though. Who hurt you?" I smile in amusement. "No one hurt me." I reply simply. "That poem states otherwise." A loud snapping sound catches our attention and we turn to find Miss Merryweather standing in front of nate's desk holding his paper.

Rose, a perfect image to uphold.

Behind it lies a story untold.

Unlike a rose my image is imperfect,

My story one you won't expect.

"Quite impressive Nathaniel, please do pay attention though." She scolds and nate nods. She walks to the front of the class to start lecture.

From the seat across from me, ben catches my attention. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine, I've just been having headaches recently." I answer back. "If you need anything at all don't hesitate to come to me." He assures. 


"Benji, I'm scared. Nana and gpaw are mad at dad for something." the little girl cries to the boy. "Don't worry rosie, I'm here for you. I'll always be. If you need anything you can come to me." He says and wraps his arms firmly around the girl. 

*End Flashback* 

"Miss Mildred, are you quite alright?" Miss Merryweather asks. "Nrgh, I guess so?" "Do you need the nurse?" I shake my head and reply, "I've seen her once already, I wouldn't want to be a bother." Her face softens a bit and then she nods. "Alright then, but take it easy." She turns to nate. "Tell me if she does it again." Nate nods and she reluctantly goes back to teaching. "Are you alright?" Ben whispers worriedly. I nod and lean back in my chair. I make it through the rest of the day without another incident. 

When the group comes in to mine and faith's dorm for their nightly talks I mention this to them. "I keep having these weird flashback type things of a girl named rosie and a young ben." They all look at each other before trin takes the lead in speaking. "I remember when we were around three, prince ben had a best friend named rosie." Faith nods and adds, "Melrose was her name, she was my age and followed ben everywhere." I lay on my stomach on the bed in curiosity. "We attended her third birthday but after that she disappeared, we have no clue what happened to her." Lyssia finishes. "Anyway, I suggest going to the library, I'm sure they'd have some books on this whole flashback thing." Nate tells me and tosses me a marshmallow. "Anything to get rid of the killer headaches afterwards." I look over at the clock and sigh. "I'm gonna go check on my sister, I'll talk to you at lunch tomorrow." I tell them as I stand up and they all say their good nights. 

I go to the room across from mine and knock three times. "Mels, best timing." Mal says when she opens the door. She grabs my hand and pulls me into the room. "We were talking about the plan to get the wand, since the first one failed." She informs. "Well, I don't know...we should wait to see if there are any openings to take it." I suggest with a shrug. She gives me a look and shakes her head. "Smelly melly, come join us. This game is great." Jay calls to me and I join carlos and him in a game of cars. They decide to take my suggestion and wait, then call the meeting over and sends me back to my own dorm.

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