Tourney game (Mel's Pov)

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The next day during passing period faith, ulyssia, trinity, nathan and I are all stood in front of my locker. Ben and audrey come out of the hallway with chad. "In your story the big bad beast ends up the good guy but in my story the bad guy is just the villain their mother." Audrey snipes out to ben. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and then walks off with chad. Mal comes up to him and offers him a cookie, which he politely declines. Mal then starts to take a bite of the cookie and says something, he takes the cookie before mal bites it and takes a huge bite. I sigh and close my locker then turn to the group. We start to walk the opposite direction of ben and mal. 

"So Mels, you are going to the tourney game right? You'll get to meet my boyfriend and he told me he's gonna bring you someone to talk to so you're not a third wheel." Nathan asks with a small nudge. "Of course, I get to see jay bird and C dog in action. Getting to meet your boyfriend and his friend is just a bonus." I reply with an eyebrow wiggle, regaining a little playful attitude. "You'll also get to meet Mason Hatter, he's my boyfriend." Faith adds. "Anyone else have a significant other I need to know about?" I ask teasingly. "Well..." Trinity starts and grabs a hold of ulyssia's hand. "Oh get some!" Nathan shouts happily. "It's about time." Faith jokes. "Alright that's awesome." I tell them with a grin.

We sit in the first two rows in the center of the bleachers together. Ulyssia and trinity lean on one another from my right. Faith and mason who I met and have become fast friends with, sit right behind me, faith holding the sign she'd  made yesterday. Nathan sits next to me, leaving open spots next to me for his boyfriend and his friend. "Hey Babe, sorry I'm late. Travis and I had a physics project to finish up." A boy says as he walks up and gives nathan a hug. "Sup nate." The boy behind nathan's boyfriend says with a wave. "It's all good, meet Mel. Mel this is kurt my boyfriend and his friend travis." Nathan introduces. "Hey, you are so pretty girl. You've gotta dish the skin care routine cause your skin is flawless." Kurt says as he shakes my hand. He then sits right down next to nathan. 

"Hi, I'm Travis, you don't seem like a villain's kid." Travis says getting really close up. "Don't mind travis, he's tarzan's son so he's very curious." Kurt tells me and I nod. "She looks like a soft little cinnamon roll." Faith jokes. I pout and cross my arms and the others laugh. "She really does." Trinity agrees. "Alright let's settle down and be quiet the game is about to start." Ulyssia scolds us. Travis sits down and we start up a small conversation as the players get into position. Once the game starts we stop talking and focus. "WHOO, GO C DOG AND JAY BIRD!!" I shout when I see them and they wave up to me.

When the game ends we've won and we're standing to leave when ben takes the mic from the announcer. "Give me an M!" He shouts to the crowd. "M!" The crowd shouts back enthusiastically. "Give me an E!" "E!" "Give me an L!" "L!" "What does that spell?!" "MEL!" The crowd shouts and my friends all turn to me in confusion. "Benjamin Florean Beast what the hell are you doing?" Trinity asks to herself. He bursts into song and dance about how much he loves me. "What the hell did mal put into the cookie?" Faith asks me. "Don't ask me I'm just as confused as you." I reply as I cross my arms. Ben crowd surfs over to me and asks me to coronation.


"Rosie! Daddy says that when I get older I'm gonna get a cor'nation." Little chubby ben shouts excitedly as he runs up to rosie, not noticing the tear stains on her cheeks. "What's a cor'nation?" She asks him. "It's where I become the king, daddy says When I'm sixteen I'll have a cor'nation. And guess what, you're gonna be in the front row for it cause you're family." Little ben says. "Benji, I might not be around when your cor'nation comes up." Rosie says with fresh tears in her eyes. "Don't you dare say that Melrose Adeline the second. You will be at my cor'nation, I will make sure of it." Ben tells her as he hugs her tight.

*End Flashback*

"Mel? Mel...Girl wake up." Trinity's voice shouts. "Mels bells." Nathan calls. "Smelly Melly." Jay baits. "Mels, hon? Are you able to open your eyes?" Mal asks and I groan and try to sit up. "Nope, sorry little M, but you need to stay lying down." Carlos says as he pushes me back down gently. "What happened? Where am I?" "Well after lover boy asked you to coronation, you fainted. When you were being escorted here you shouted the name Melrose Adeline the second and ben left." Trinity explains. "Where exactly is here?" "The hospital wing." Faith pipes up. "It's her memories I'm having, I just wish I knew why." I say as I look around. 

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