Punishment two ....

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The same day Millie's pov
I headed downstairs to see Kirsty, Bella and Shannon stud waiting for me, which kind of creepy in my eyes. Shannon was holding a teen diaper what looked really thick and teen baby grow, Kirsty was holding a piece of paper and Bella was stud their with a grin on her face

Sh- right Millie as my mum said me and Bella can punish you so she have made some rules up and your punishment will be the rest of this day and tomorrow.
M- so what are the rules
B- well tomorrow is Tuesday and it's mufti day to support child with cancer and we have to donate £5 to wear what ever we want and it goes to the foundation. So we are going to chose what you are gonna wear
M- so, wow that's such a good punishment
K- you haven't heard the rules they have made up

1) do what ever Shannon and Bella say you have to do
2) you will wear what ever s and b pick out for you
3) you have to wear a nappy to school which are the big thick ones so everyone can see
4) you have to have breastmilk off Kirsty
5) when you are at home you only a nappy and a top or a baby grow with the nappy

M- seriously are you serious
B/Sh- yh
K- right girls come upstairs and I'll show you how to change Millie without hurting her
Sh- ok

We headed upstairs to the nursery and Kirsty showed them were the nappies were kept, where the baby clothes are which are in teen size and how to put the crib wall up and down. Then Kirsty picked me up and laid me down on the changing table and told Shannon to come over

1) lay Millie down
2) make sure Millie is comfortable
3)if you are changing her top then carefully take her nose cannula out of her nose
4) un-tape her nappy
5) lift up her legs and bum so you can take the off her
6) wipe her down then get a new nappy
7) put cream and baby powder on her private parts
8) then tape the nappy up
9) then let Millie carefully put her nose cannula which is attached to the portable oxygen concentrator
10) lift her off the table

K- got that
Sh- yep 👍

About five minutes later
Kirsty and Bella went out of the room,it was only me and Shannon in the room. It was a bit worrying really
Sh-right Millie you will do what I say, so take off your oxygen thing and put it on the stand then lay down so u can change you
M- do you really have to do this
Sh- yes

I sat up and took my nose cannula out and payed back down,Shannon took my skirt and underwear off me, then got a teen diaper and placed it under my bum, but she didn't put cream or powder on me and only taped me up and then she helped me sit up, she took my jumper, tie and shirt off me then she put a shirt on me what says "foster mother's little girl". Then she picked me up and put me on the floor ( which surprised me that she could pick me up)

Sh-right all done now put your breathing thingy in
M- wow your so dumb it's called a nose cannula and can I have a pair of bottoms I'm literally stud here in a top and nappy
Sh- no I need to see if you have done an accident
M- this is ridiculous
Sh-not really, right come on we're going downstairs so I can get my mum to breastfeed you and then get you ready for bed
M- I have lots of homework
Sh- James will do it

So we went downstairs and Shannon went into the kitchen and asked Kirsty if she was ready to feed me ( which I was quite scared of actually I've never been breastfeed 🤱). Kirsty came in and sat on the couch and patted her lap, so I stud up and sat on her lap, she put me in a position so I was comfortable and stuck her thing out and put her nipple in my mouth, surprisingly I started to suck until she stopped and she burped me then laid me down on the couch, put a pacifier in my mouth and told me to go to sleep but I couldn't sleep on a lumpy couch, but then I weirdly fell asleep

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