The escape

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Millie's pov
I was finished and Kirsty unplugged me and lifted me to the nursery she checked my pull up and I was dry of cause then she put me in the baby crib
K-right here is a book you can read before you go to sleep but they is no chance of you getting out of the cot so if you need me or Steve just cry or just call us they is a baby monitor so we can hear you, me and Steve think it might be best if you stayed in here for the rest of the day
M-ok night
Kirsty left me to take a nap and I can't believe I'm sitting in a baby cot like a one yr old
About four hours later (4:30)
I woke up to hear James and Shannon talking about me
"Sh- I cant believe Millie is still here I thought she would be gone by now you know like every homeless foster kids" "j-i know right but thing I don't get is why is she always getting food pumped into her body by a tube and why does she always have a nose cannula it's weird" "sh-I'm surprise she isn't dead by now"
I felt like crying my lungs out there right I am weird. All a sudden I saw the door open it was Kirsty
K- ah ur up have you thought about your behaviour
M-erm yh but can I just go to my actual room I need to do something
K-yh ok is everything ok, you sound really up set
Kirsty lifted me out of the cot and checked if I need a change but I didn't. We both left the room and I headed to my room and Kirsty went down stairs.
When I got to my room I realised that the windows wasn't locked and saw that I could easily climb out of them. So I looked outside my bedroom door to see if anyone was around but they wasn't so I climbed out of my window and walked and walked and carried on walking until I couldn't any more.
Kirsty pov
I went to check on Millie and to tell her that it's tea time but when I went to her room she wasn't there, I ran downstairs to see if anyone knew were so was but no one did
S- have you tried looking in all the rooms she could of gone for wonder round the houses
K-yh I have when last left her she was going to her room, it looked like she was about to cry had anyone said anything to her.
J-well me and Shannon was kind of talking about her outside the nursery but we didn't know that she was there
S- what did you guys say?!!!
Sh- ermmm that's if I was her I would die, that she's weird and a homeless foster kid
K-why no wonder she's gone you never say that about a foster child, I'm gonna call the police to sent out a search team to find her
S-now if we get Millie back you two better say sorry to her and you are grounded for two months and no devices
Sh-that's not fair
K-so it's fair to say if you was something you would die
K-right then
About two hours later
We all heard a knock on the door and it was the police holding Millie's arm like they have just dragged her here but she is struggling to breathe wait she's not wear her nose cannula
Millie's pov
I was stud in between two police cops and both holding my arms tightly, my lungs are hurting and I am really struggling to breathe but like James said it's weird
K-omg we were looking for you are you ok
M-yeah I'm fine now can I go now I just want to go to sleep
K-thank you for bringing her back
P-it's ok but next time she steals from the shop or runs away then we will be putting her in jail do we make are selfs clear Millie

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