Re-thinking things

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Arrived at home
We arrived at the house and Kirsty unstrapped me, then I got out of the car and made my way into the was so quiet no one said anything to I decided to go to my room and left my door open so I could hear everything Kirsty and Steve were saying

Kirsty's pov
K-Steve what should we do with Millie we have already punished her and she's not behaving,she's been suspended from school.
S-idk babe maybe we could send her back it's not like it's her first time

K-how would we tell her and how would we tell the kids
S- first we have to call the social worker and let them know it's not gonna work out and we will keep her off school,so they can pick her  up and when the kids get back we will just tell them that her mum wanted her
K-ok but this will crush Millie's heart

Millie's pov
I heard everything and headed downstairs acting like nothing happened,then I saw them in the dinning room writing down things

M- hi plz can I have something to drink
K-yh what would you like
M-water will be great

She got me my water and I went back up stairs to pick my bag which had school stuff in it so I tipped it out and put my pjs and the two sets of clothes I brought with me in it then zipped the bag up and left it by the closet door. I went into the bathroom and changed in my proper underwear and went downstairs to ask for my phone back

M-Steve could I have my phone back plz
S-sure just don't do anything stupid
M-thank u

I went upstairs and sat on my bed texting my foster friends until tea when everyone was back from school. Steve shouted upstairs saying it was tea time so I made my way to the dinning room where everyone was just sitting down

K-Millie you don't have to sit in the high chair anymore you can come sit next to me on the spare chair and try some proper food
M-it's ok I'll just take my food upstairs I'm not in the mood right now to sit with everyone I don't want to endanger anyone
S-don't be stupid go sit down

I went to sit next to Kirsty and looked at my tea it was a Sunday dinner but on a Tuesday. I picked up my fork and tried to eat some mash but I put it one centre meter near my mouth and I dropped it on the plate , then ran upstairs to be sick in toilet,after that I went in my room and sat there thinking if my mum didn't leave me than maybe I wouldn't be here right now and I would be able to eat like everyone else.

Ten minutes later
Kirsty came in to find me crying in bed and all my things were packed

K- what's up and why did you leave the table
M- you wouldn't care soon enough you will be sending me back to another foster home where they will just throw me out to
K- where did you get that idea from
M- when I got back from daycare I over heard everything you and Steve were talking about and I couldn't eat my tea it made me throw up 🤢
K-I'm so sorry but we don't know what to do with you, not to be rude but ever since you got here you haven't behaved once
M-that's what I do tho
K-it's like as soon as we get close you get more bad and I don't why
M-because if u get close to me it will remind me of me and my mum and then I wish I had that connection with my real mother but I never will
K-Millie you need to remember the only reason I am trying to be your foster mum is because I love you but you need to show me and Steve that you can behave and you want to stay here or we have no choice
M-I'll try but I can't promise you that it will happen
K-ok well if you can prove to us and the school that you can behave then we won't send you back but you will be punished for the behaviour you have done at the daycare also you will be going back to school on Monday
M- ok
K- you are stopping out at the kids grand parents house tomorrow because we're going out for a family things and since your actually in the family then u can't come

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