Chapter Ten: Mikuo is Misery

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Chapter Ten:


Today's the last day this wonderful hotel. We met new friends, had a great time! But, we have to say good-bye. Hmph! What a pity...

Everyone packed their bags and headed downstairs to the cafè, y'know to get some breakfast. "I don't wanna leave." whined Len as we walked downstairs. "Fine, you can stay here." replied Rin. "Can Minami stay with me??"    "No."    "Why not??"    "*sigh* We're all going home, period!"   Yup, that's how our morning started! Instead of going to the cafe to actually eat, we went straight to the car and only heard the arguing between Rin and Len, lucky us...

When we arrived home, mysteriously there was a car parked in front of Kazuki's car. Mr. Kaito? No, can't possibly be his car, his would be white and Yes, the car was a light-ish green with the name "MIKUO-SAN" spray painted on it. "Mikuo-san? Isn't that your brothers name, Minami?" asked Meiko. I nodded slowly. We walked inside to find my brother, Mikuo on the couch in a DEEEEEP sleep! -chibi angry mode activate- *boop* "OI! MIKUO!!! WHAT THE -beep- ARE YOU DOING ON THE -beep-ING COUCH! GET THE -beep- OUTTA HERE YA FRIGGIN' -beep-!!"  I yelled and shouted. Mikuo finally woke up and started rubbing the back of his head. "Stop cussing, you sound like a -beep-."  I covered my mouth with both of my hands. I never threw such a fit before, well I don't recall ever doing such a thing. Meiko, now tired of all the cussing said "Keep calm and stop cussing, guys! Now. What business do you have here, Mikuo?" Mikuo laughed and pointed at Rin and Len, "Well, what business do THEY have here?"  Rin now slowly scooting outside, said "We're Minami's friends..." Mikuo then turned to me with sleepiness in his eyes, "You let your friends here, but not me?" Now realizing the situation, I replied "GO HOME MIKUO. YOU'RE DRUNK!!!" 

Yup, that's how my brother shall be introduced. A drunken 18 year old boy (yesh, his birthday was today). Mikuo collpased to the floor and just...slept there! Not even caring that he was drunk, and that he was in a Kaito's residence? Such a pity it was to leave the hotel! Kazuki dragged Mikuo into the guest bedroom while I escorted Rin and Len back home, while apoligizing for Mikuo's idiotic behavior. "Ne~ It's okay! See you two tomorrow!" said Rin as she walked inside with her little imouto following behind her. 

When I came back inside Kazuki's house, I could not believe my eyes. Right there in front of me, was a true gentlemen! From his head to his foot, Mikuo was wearing the official butler's uniform! His white glove neatly folded on the table just waiting to be worn! Hair that was combed to be out of face and was jelled up for perfect neatness! Eyes that were only to be watching their master/mistress! A black tailcoat that was completely new and fresh! Do my eyes dare decieve me?! Under a few minutes my brother had transformed from a drunken man into a fine and perfect butler! "Why, it seems as though the young maiden Minami has returned from her little task." said Mikuo. I gulped, I dare not speak! "M-Mikuo? Is...that you?"  "Why, Maiden Minami you look as if you see a monster! Sit down and have some tea, dear! You must be stressed from that week vacation!" he slowly pushed me unto a chair and poured some hot tea that he must've made while I was gone. Kazuki walked inside smiling as if he had made a masterpiece! "You...did THIS?" I asked as I pointed at Mikuo. He surprisingly shook his head as if to say he did not do anything at all! "I did!" interrupted Meiko, with her arms crossed (to look proffesional I supppose), "He's 18 and it's his call to become a butler today! I couldn't have a drunk butler, why...that just simply WON'T do."

"How'd you do it, though? Never in a million years would he turn out like this!" I asked. "Sebastian Michaelis mode, activate! That's all I said, well of course in a mysterious and magical voice, but really! That's all I said to make him like this! Who knew that simple words like that, could work such miracles!" Meiko then chuckled. Hm...what other type of miracles could happen this week?(≧◡≦)

~~Maybe one of the miracles could be that I update more often? Gomenasai! *sigh*~~

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