Chapter Fourteen: END

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Chapter Fourteen:


The house was dead silent today. I sat on the bed, wondering what to say. Yuushiro, was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, probably doing the same. The home phone started to ring again, "[gasp] The phone! I'll get it!!!" I sprang up and ran downstairs, 'Why was I eager? Wasn't I just crying a few hours ago?'  I jumped down the stairs and grabbed the phone. "Hello?"

". . . Minami?. . . It's. . . You, right?"

"M-Meiko? What's wrong? WHy are you so silent?"

"S-something horrible!!! Kazuki... He. . . He. . ."

"What?! W-what about him?!" 

"This. . . He. . . Then. . ."

"Meiko! Speak up! I can't understand a single-"

"He's dead, Minami! Kazuki- He- He died!!!" 

"What. . . . What are you. . ."

"After he called you, everyone already walked ahead of him across the- the street. We were waiting for him as he... so when he crossed... A reackless. . ."

"Meiko, speak more clearly! S-stop pausing at these- "

"A r-reckless drunkard! A stinking idiot, he- he crashed into Kazuki on the road! He- he stopped but made a U turn the other way! We-we tried to chase him, but at the same time, K-Kazuki was bleeding immensely! We told him that he should've catched a ride to the hospital!!! But!!! But the dang brother of mine!! HE JUST SAID THAT HE WAS OKAY!!! BUT HE WASN'T!!! H-HE... HE'S GOT HIMSELF KILLED NOW!!"

"Meiko!! C-calm down!"

The phone cut off... The phone slowly slipped out of my hand, and then fell on the carpet. A small bang filled the floor. I slid down to the floor, was I crying? I  could feel something sliding down my cheeks. It was warm. It was wet. It was. . . sad. 

"Minami, why are you on the floor? Who called? crying again?" 

"Yuushiro, I really do feel alone...I know you're here, but the air...It still feels...empty."

"What happened?"

I just shook my head, "I feel that when I share it, the air that comes out of my mouth succumbs to the empty air around me already..."

Yuushiro kneeled down, took me on his shoulder, and carried me outside. "Whatever happened, I want you to forget. You've gone thorugh worse, believe me, I was there, but since I wasn't there when whatever happened, I'd like to help you forget about it all."

"Where are we going?! Put me down!!! Idiot!!!"

"I'll put you down on bed, if you want."


"To the amusement park we go!!!"


Happy April Fools, okay, let the story continue. :DDDD

We came back after hours and hours of fun at the amusement park, when we came back, the phone was ringing. I picked it up with a smile on my face, cotton candy sticking on my cheeks. "Hello?"


"Oh hi Kazuki~!"

"Aren' having a little fun..."

"Teehee~ Yeah...Hey, wait...aren't you supposed to be dead?!"

"Sorry...I dared Meiko to do a prank call on you, but I never thought she'd go so far..."

"''s okay. Well, if there's anything else you want to say..."

"No, not really..."

"Oh, okay then. Bye~"

I hung up first, not a second thought. I hope I seemed abit mean, after all, if eveything was a prank, then...that was twice as mean as I just did. I took it to heart after all! How could they be so mean?! 

"So, who called?" said Yuushiro as he ate the rest of his cotton candy. 

"Oh, it was stupid Mikuo. Saying how he met this cute chick at the beach."

"But you mentioned something about him being dead."

"Yeah~ His master likes hime already, so he'd probably turn out dead. Hahaha!"

"Lawl!!! That idiot! As stupid as ever!!!" 

And I tried forgetting about that call just a moment later, convincing myself to think and say that it really was just Mikuo calling on how he met a cute girl, nothing about a prank call or Kazuki. That's how it all should've ended. What type of REAL ending would this all lead to though? Good or bad? Life is usually nothing but a joke, or a game. But life is truly just your reality.

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