Chapter Seven: Road Trip!

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Chapter Seven:

Road Trip! 

"I love you Minami Shiro. I really really do!"

I don't know why...but I started crying...Kazuki was about to comfort me by hugging me, until suddenly the phone rang! AS Kazuki answered the phone, the voice on the other side was loud and clear for me to even hear even though the phone wasn't set to speaker"ROOAAADD!!!! TRIPPP!!!!" Kazuki looked puzzled at the phone and asked "Meiko?! What are you talking about?!" "Don't you remember?! Brother and sister ROAD TRIP!!! How could you forget?! Me, you, your maid, and two other people of your maid's choice are going on a ROOAAADD TRIPPP!!!!!" Kazuki held his ear away form the phone because his loud sister was pretty much TOO loud right now, he answered "I know, I know! But I thought it was next week! Did mom and dad change the date?" "*scoffs* Yeah! I'll pick you up tomorrow! See ya there bro! *hangs up*" "Wa-wait! Tomorrow?! Hey!! *sigh* *closes phone* Pack your bags, Minami...We're going on a road trip...get your friend, Rin was it?" I nodded and went to my phone to call Rin and tell her the news. 

Just like Meiko (Kazuki's sister) Rin was also very excited and loud on the phone! 

"KYAAHH!!!!!! I'M GOING ON A ROAD TRIP WITH KAZUKI KAITO!!!!!" shouted Rin, I added "But don't forget to ask your brother too!" "*sigh* Must I invite Len to the road trip?? I mean, COME ON! Someone with the likes of HIM on the road trip with such a high class man?! I might as well teach him what shame means now and not let him go on the trip!!!" In my head I kept saying, ' say THAT about your brother, and yet you don't even know what you're doing to this very moment...' "Just invite him! And don't take NO for an answer! I have to have invite two people of MY choice come! And those two people are YOU and LEN!" "*sighs again* Fine...*whispers* Kill-joy..." "What'd you just say?!" "Nothing..." I hung up and started packing my things. 

 One big suitcase for me full of my clothes, and a small little purse again for me, full of cute little accessories, me and master's toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs and brushes, and make-up! Then master Kazuki has another big suitcase just for him, full of HIS clothes, his swimming trunks and my one-piece swimming suit (I don't like to show off my skin), and other clothes of HIS only!

I'm guessing you wanna know more about Meiko Kaito huh? Well, for one she's Kazuki's one and only sister! She's 16 but she drives more often than master Kazuki himself, she's very wild and daring, she's actually REALLY fun, she's MORE INDEPENDANT than master Kazuki since she has no maid or butler, and she lives in her OWN personal house as well! Why doesn't she have a maid or butler you ask? Well, that is because she wanted to prove herself more independant than Kazuki (she already excelled in that!) and that she was really high-spirited and wanted to make both of her parents proud of how independant and willing she was! 

Kazuki walked into the room tired from all the packing. "*sigh* Let's eat first and then sleep! Tomorrow's a big day you know?" said Kazuki, I chuckled and said "Well...not that big!" He chuckled as well and  said ", about this morning..." "Oh...yeah this morning..." Kazuki walked up to me and held my hands tightly and said with stern eyes "What I said is true. Those WERE my true feelings..." I kept looking at him, confused of what to say again. "I...I'm...*stomach grumbles* Hungry~~~" Kazuki and looked at my stomach and said "Hmm...if that's the case...LET'S GO EAT PIZZA!" He suddenly carried me...wait for it...Oppa Bridal Style! and went out the door with his wallet in his back pocket. His house wasn't too far form many food places like Subway, McDonald's, and Pizza Hut so he run all the way around the block holding me OPPA BRIDAL STYLE in his arms! He didn't put me down until we had arrived inside Pizza Hut. We ordered pizza, ate it all, then went back home the same way...OPPA BRIDAL STYLE!! He seemed tired when we came back home and seemed to have a cramp from runnning after eating so he went to bed earilier than me. As a token for all he had done for me that week, I lightly kissed him on the fore-head and lied down next to him. As I slowly lied down on the bed, Kazuki got up and kissed me on the lips and said "Good night kiss~" I sighed and continued lying down, 'That's what I get for kissing him on the fore-head!'

"ROAADD! TRIPPP!! *WHISPERS* Dear gods, I'm saying it as well!" It was the day of the Road Trip, and Rin and Len came over early! We were only waiting for Meiko right now! Len was 16, he was turning 17 this month! He was 3 months YOUNGER than Rin, but personally I think Len acts more maturely than Rin! I mean come on! Have you heard her fan-girling squeal?!

"Hello?! You guys ready in there?!" Meiko yelled from the other side of the front door. Time to start the road trip! We all buckled safely into the car, and so the craziness BEGINS! As soon as Meiko made sure everyone was buckled safely, and all the car doors were closed and locked, she drove so FAST that everything went berserk! Rin got mad and started yelling "HEY! WHY DOES THAT WOMAN GET TO SIT NEXT TO KAZUKI-KUN?! IF ANYONE IT SHOULD BE ME!!! HEY, WOMAN! LET GO OF THE STEERING WHEEL OR GO SLOWER! OR AT LEAST LET KAZUKI-KUN SIT HERE WITH ME IN THE BACK!!!!" Kazuki who was sitting in the front had more experience but was still freaking out by the speed of car! "Um, Meiko p-please go slower!" asked Kazuki. Meiko only smirked and said "Sorry big bro, but where the wild horses run, the wild girls drive!! ROAADD TRIPP!!!!" ans she went even faster! Luckily, there were no cops or Speed Limit Signs anywhere! Len got a little naucious of the speed and lay his head on my legs while I tried staying in my seat! The dream catcher at the ceiling of the car kept swaying left to right to left to right over and over again! CERTAINLY, THIS WAS THE ROAD TRIP OF A LIFE TIME! 

Rin still kept yelling, "HEY! WHEN WE ARRIVE TO WHATEVER PLACE WE ARRIVE IN, I CALL DIBS ON SLEEPING IN WITH KAZUKI-KUN! YOU GUYS CAN ALL GET LOST BUT LEAVE A MAP FOR US SO WE KNOW HOW TO GET BACK HOME! AND LEAVE THE CAR TOO WHEN YOU'RE AT IT!! KAZUKI-KUN HANG ON THERE!!!" While Len was now sleeping on my lap, he must've been too tired out from all the "excitement" that he passed out, Kazuki was still trying to survive the front seat, while Meiko was listening to the rock music on the radio, and me? Well, I was just trying to survive the BACK seat of Meiko's drive! Yup, this was gonna be a VERY exciting day and week...

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