Chapter Thirteen.Five: Promise

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Chapter Thirteen.Five:

Extra Love Life...LOL [[NOTE: This is a different couple's story~ Yeah, give me a break...]]

I ran to my work place, he HAD to be there. He PROMISED! "Oh so help me...If he's not there..." I ran across the street, not caring that I almost got hit by a car. Jumped over a bench, and found an abandoned skateboard that was left for sale. I jumped on, fell a few times, but skated to my shop, faster and faster everytime I thought of HIM being there. " 'Scuse me! Move! In a rush here!!!! PLEASE! MOVE!" I zig-zagged and swiveled a bit on the skateboard. My boyfriend and I had been dating for THREE years, last year he had to go over-seas for some intern-ship in Tokyo. We made a promise that once he was done that he'd come back and we'd meet at my parents' shop and have the best re-union EVER! Just a few days ago did he say that he'd be coming back home here in America in a few days, and that we should meet at the shop t around this time. "He can't break this promise, it was our biggest promise." 

I jumped off the skateboard and ran to the shop, "Just a few more blocks!". I jumped on some more benches, swung on some more trees, and crossed one more street. The shop was just a few more feet away. Ch-ching! I opened the door, the small bell rang as I swung the door. Some of the workers, Tammi, Joshua, T'rena, and Karl shot their heads at me. Even my parents who were taking a few customers' orders looked at me quickly. My mom, she found out the situation in a snap, "Jane...He's..." I stood there, stunned... "The promise..." Tammi, the longest employee also found out the situation, "Jane, he called? Dude, I'm sorry..." The phone suddenly rang, "I'll get it!" I ran past the customters, who were now taking 'part' in this 'tragedy'. "Hello?!"


"Jake! Jake! Jake!!!! Where the hell are you?!"

"I'm here in Tokyo-"

"TOKYO?! You- I thought you said you were coming back!!! Remember?! The PROMISE?!"

The air and atmosphere was swept with silence, only between me and Jake that is. Everyone else started whispering, asking each other what they thought was going on.


"I thought you were supposed to come back! Why...why did you call now? What- What happened to your flight?!"

"That's what I was calling for, an hour ago it was just canceled because of some stupid fog! And, I couldn't find my phone, some stupid idiot jacked it from me! Just recently did I get it back!"


This was some re-union...right? I hung up, "Oh my gawd...Sh!t..." Everyone stared at me, but when I left, I could hear them trying to return to their daily lives. Jake and me always kept our promises in the past, no matter the circumstances. 

~~I sat on the beach sand, Jake sitting and smiling right next. "Hey, Jake, wanna make a keepsake promise? AS a start off for our new future promises to come?" Jake looked at me, smiling a mile a minute. 

"Why not? Start off our start off of promises, please."

"Ha! Weirdo!! Okay, uh, promise to keep every promise we make forever and ever?" 

"I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die and lose a life in a video game, promise."

"Pinky swear security?"

"Pinky swear."

Jake and I crossed pinkies, smiled, and the rest is just a pile of memories.~~

"Promise to keep every promise we make forever and ever, Jake? Do you?" I sat there on the shore, waiting for some reply. Nothing but silence. "Pinky swear security? [sniff sniff] Pinky...swear..." I bended my pinky through the air and rested my head on my shoulders. 

I checked my phone, hoping to find any e-mails that were saying "Psyche! I got you! Look behind you, you weeping little lamb! ('・ω・´)" But obviously, a fantasy stays a fanstasy, right? 

I looked to the sides and saw a family having fun out there, and suddenly one of the boys from the family, a young guy, blue hair, friendly, Japanese, called out to me, making a motion for me to join his family. I pointed to myself, saying with my best pronounciation," 私ですか?[Watashidesu ka?- Me?]" The boy nodded, still making some motions. I started walking towards them and saw that some other girls and boys of un-related blood were hanging out with them. None of the others looked Japanese. The boy smiled and asked, in a perfect accent, "You know Japanese?" I did, I mean, Jake had some Japanese culture in him, so I'd take a few 'lessons'. "何か!あなたは英語を知っているか![Nani ka! Anata wa eigo o shitte iru ka!- Eh?! You know English?!]" "Hai! Hai! I'm from Tokyo! Ne, uh, what's your name? あなたの名前は? [Anata no namae wa? - What's your name?]" "Jane! Watashi wa Jane desu! Anata no namae wa, Nihonjin-san? [I'm Jane! What's your name, Japanese-san?]" "You don't need to keep up the Japanese, you're clearly not one, but I'm Kazuki. Come on, join us over here!" 

I joined them, Jake wouldn't mind if I stayed with other guys, right? It's not really cheating. 

I made more friends, and soon, forgot about Jake. Until, one day, I felt an anonymous soul watching me. "*Daki-chan!!!!!" [Daki-chan- Another good friend that Jane had befriended, original name- Dakery. (Dak-err-ee)] 

"I told you not to call me Daki-chan. That's a stupid name!"

"Says the guy with the original name, Dakery."

 "Yeah, yeah, but wait 'till the day when you see on the news, "Dakery the Dominate Saves The World  Again!""

"HA! You have YOUR idols as super-heroes then?"

"Oh shut up, and let go of my arm."

"But! I feel an anonymous spirit, lurking behind the shadows!!! Watching my every move, with a steady and close eye, Daki-chan!" 

"Are you talking about that dude over there? Dude, he's been watching and following all of us since just a few hours ago. But he's been really just watching you." 

I turned around, I could see a little figure sneaking behind a bush. That hair-style, that clothing fashion... "Wait a minute....Guys you go ahead, I'll- I'll catch up!"

Before the figure could even run away, I tackled it. The figure slowly turned around on the ground, "I'm...back..." Jake, he was right there, lying below me. "Jake...JAKE!!!" I hugged him, squeezed him, everything was so light around us. "You're back..." 

"But I broke the promise..." 

"Not came back in the end, right?"

"I guess..."

Jake wasn't making much eye-contact, did he see me with all the guys back there?

"I'm not cheating on you with anyone!"

"But, you seemed so happy over...there..."

"Dummy! Come on! I'll introduce you to those damn idiots! If you ask them, they'd make a face that'd you'd laugh at, that'll it surely convince that there's nothing going on between us!" 

"Promise you're not going to fall in love with any of them and leave me?"

"I pinky swear on it!"

"Do you really promise?"

"A promise is a promise~"

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