Part 17 :" Heart Break "

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Seven Months later .

It was his birthday , a thought that kept popping up in her mind for every second and yet she will not go ,or she can't go . She won't be able to hold on to her rational mind if she saw him ,one look at him she will agree to every of his stupid rules .

Gauri can't blame anyone for her heart break ,it was her fault that she believed that for once someone would choose her first . For her biological father Son was important and For him the love of her life it was his stupid rules and plans he made when he was young .

She knew him ,she knew the way he would stick to his rules and plans , he never deviated from his plan except dating her . And so she hoped he would make few changes in his life plan now that he has a girlfriend ,well apparently not

The fact he wanted her to wait for a year before dating seemed like a tough decision back then ,yet after five months later she realized he expected her to wait for 10 years before marriage . 10 years was a life time ,and yes she was very much aware that she just joined college and it would take another three years to graduate and she still has plan for further studies .

Marriage wasnt in her mind at the moment but She can't imagine waiting for 10 years for him to make a commitment . They were having a very lovely date night two months ago ,he took her to movies and she was leaning on to him with a smile until the screen was filled with a death scene of a army man and his wife crying over his casket .

It brought the truth close to home ,that he would risk his life for their country and her . She understood his plans to serve few years in army ,infact she encouraged him along the line . By the time the movie got over she forgot all about it until he spoke up .

" If I didn't come back alive , I want you to move on .." Arnav spoke up , she understood that from now on he would probably plan for her life as well and death was a finality for him and yet she would continue to live ,or the vice versa .

" Well I won't need to marry someone else ,I will have your family and mine .. Plus if we had any kids ,they will keep me occupied and Arnav you can't expect me to move on just so I could sooth your conscience , trust me I would mourn your death if it happened but I won't be able to move on " Gauri answered back ,since it was the truth . She didn't see herself moving on from him .

" Gauri , we aren't getting married till I retire and so why would you assume we would have kids " his statement shocked her ,yes she knew of his plans to join the Army after he graduates but she had plans for the days when he get leave and Visits, she was going to wait for him .

First she will complete her remaining years in college ,find a job she loves than they could get married when he visits ,she may not be able to be with him all the time but she wanted to be his wife . Apparently he didn't feel the same way .

She wished she threw a temper tantrum and walked away ,instead of talking with him rationally . Because if she acted impulsively her heart wouldn't have end up broken by the end of the night .

By the time he dropped her off ,they were very much aware that a rift was created between them ,each of them didn't want to acknowledged it in fear that it break the last thread that holding them together love .

Gauri wish she didn't understood him ,but she did . He wanted to be a active father and so no kids while he was in army ,he didn't want to leave a wife alone if he died so no marriage . He had a plan which would see him retire at the age of 30 and return home to get married and start a life .

The problem he made this plan before her , the problem he didn't see the plan meant she had to wait for him 10 years ,she was willing for a compromise but he wasn't willing to listen to her .

Gauri could wait for him a lifetime but she feared that she may not be able to live a life with him ,everything she loved gets snatched away sometime in her life and she was still insecure that her life with Arnav will remain a dream . So she wanted a part of the dream without wait ,marriage at 24 felt like a compromise but he refused to relent . She had been willing to wait for 7 years for him .

Three more years is not a big deal but she wanted his assurance that his plans could be changed for her ,but he remained stubborn till the end .

" So what we can't get married ,but I should remain your girlfriend for 10 years . Maybe I don't want to ,I want to date others , dating or marriage I would still mourn if you died Arnav ,marriage may bind us together by law but we are already bound by heart . So you aren't think straight . " Gauri told him ,because it was the truth .He had been obsessed with not making her a widow that he failed to see she would marry only him in her life time and if he died she would probably never ever marry .

Thus started their cold war that lasted for two months , she hadn't called him or texted him . It felt like they broke up and today was his birthday and she didn't go . They may not have said the words to each other but in truth it was over .

P.S :" That it for now . Next update is the final one . Let me know your thoughts and Feedbacks .Hit the votes if you liked it "


Juanita Reid

Her Broken Heart [√]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant