Part 14:" Her Brother "

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Three months later .

Gauri was on a family vacation ,but no one was in the mood all because of her impulsiveness ,three months ago . To prove that she was no longer insecure about having a sibling ,she told her parents they can adopt a son .

She should have stopped with that suggestion but she threw in the name of Ishaan as her potential brother . Gauri felt a sense of connection with that kid back in the orphanage and she thought he would be delighted to be part of her family ,since he admired her step father .

But sadly she was mistaken as Ishaan didn't want to be adopted by them ,usually a kids opinion never get asked in such circumstances ,the adults decide for the kids but Ishaan had been adamant on the fact he didn't want new parents .

Unlike most of the kids ,Ishaan had a family before they died in an accident ,to Ishaan calling someone else as a dad or mom felt like a act of betrayal . Gauri couldn't fault the kid as she held on to her reason for so long to accept her father .

They tried to change his mind though ,they visited him often ,most of the times just her alone and sometime with her parents . Her dad told Ishaan he wasn't trying to replace his father yet the boy refused to change his mind ,and Gauri mom got attached to him even when she only visited him less times than her .So she took the rejection bit too personally .

Ishaan was a eight year old stubborn kid, so with no choice left and to not further make her mom suffer they decided to give up .A decision she took with her dad and to change her mother's mind her dad suggested the trip but so far it didn't work .

Gauri was glad the trip coincided with meera adoption ,the little girl from the orphanage was adopted by Lavanya uncle and his family . Unlike Ishaan ,his friend Meera had been pretty excited to get adopted ,still they waited for two months before processing the adoption papers as they wanted Yash who was their biological son to accept Meera as his sister .

Gauri was aware today they threw a celebratory party for meera's arrival and usually she never missed any event from Lavanya family and would have loved to be part of it ,but she didn't want her mom to be around the party as it would surely remind her about Ishaan .

A week later they returned home and yet no one was happy , the trip didn't help in the least and Gauri felt guilty for suggesting Ishaan name but she didn't know how to explain but the last three months she believed he would accept them and be part of her family ,so it would take some time to accept his rejection .

Because in the last two months she saw him weakening in his stance ,his face would lit up with a smile when she visited ,he had asked lot of question about her family and Gauri answered them patiently, he even asked her about their house and the school and so on ,she hoped he was accepting them but he still remained firm in his decision .

They cut short the trip by a week as no one was in the mood , so she was surprised by the arrival Lavanya parents the next day who told her that they were here to talk to her parents . She wondered why they arrived this soon when she only texted Lavanya about her return last night .

They talked too quite that she didn't hear a word until she heard her mom laugh ,her mom didn't even smile for awhile after they given up on adopting Ishaan ,so she was glad Lavanya parents could make her laugh .

Gauri peeked out of her room to bid them goodbye when Lavanya parents left ,and it was only after that did her parents told her the good news . Ishaan apparently rejected them because of Meera ,he didn't want to leave her in the orphanage. At first he may have been reluctant but the reason he continued to reject them had been his best friend Meera .

Gauri had been aware of his friendship with Meera but didn't know it acted as a reason for him to reject them , and after Meera got adopted he had confided his reason to Lavanya who had in turn told her parents .

Gauri wondered why her best friend failed to inform her but her parents clarified it was because they didn't want to raise her hopes yet again without talking with them .

Her parents told her that it may still not work out but they remained optimistic ,and Gauri hoped it work out as well . Though her biological father had created deep insecurity about a girl child ,she still liked her brother and wish she got to know him .

She knew ishaan wasnt the replacement for her biological brother ,Ishaan was her brother on his own . Gauri didn't go with her parents the next time when they went to visit Ishaan ,but waited in anxiousness until their return .

She pounced on them with her questions the moment they entered and her nervousness subsided only when they told her ,Ishaan agreed for the adoption . Gauri knew it won't be easy for him to accept them wholeheartedly but she knew with time ,he will come to accept them as his family .

He was her brother and her responsibility , Gauri wanted to be a big sister Ishaan could trust and lean on to whenever he required . It may be a long journey for them but it was one she looked forwarded to the most as well ,having a brother to love and pamper .

P.S :" That it for now ,let me know your thoughts and Feedbacks. Hit the votes if you liked it "

Juanita Reid.

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