Part 10 : " Reconciliation"

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Dedicated to everyone who take time to let me know their feedbacks ..Thank You .

Six months later .

Gauri had avoided entering this house over the last six months with various reason and yet today. She couldn't avoid it , Kavya was still her friend and not attending her birthday party would be so wrong . She had decided to keep herself away from him from the moment she stepped inside the house .

The last six months she had turned down every conversation he started and yet he still persisted on talking to her , but day by day she could detect his anger at her avoidance and yet she also know he was a person who will not show it towards her .

She had hoped to stash herself in Kavya room till all the guest arrive but she wasn't that fortunate because the first person she saw had been him ,he was busy decorating the house that he didn't notice her and she breathed a sigh of relief as she tried to walk past him .

" Still avoiding me ? " his voice rang out when she almost reached Kavya room ,she turned around to see him glaring at her .

" Why would I avoid you ?" She questioned him right back , since he had no idea she overheard the conversation . Her reasons were her own and she was sure he would find no answer to it

" Gauri ..Come on , at least what did I do . I thought you were my friend " the hint of plea in his voice shaked her resolve but she was glad when Kavya opened the door to find them together .

" Sometime I forget whose friend you are Gauri ,get in you need to help me with my make up " Kavya spoke up with her usual dramatics but this time it only served as a remainder about how far they drifted away from each other .

And Gauri breathed a sigh of relief when she remained in Kavya room for the next hour , soon Lavanya joined them as well and Gauri mind forgot all about the confrontation .

" Don't tell me you brought me a book as well "Kavya teased when her eyes landed on the gift box that was set aside in her room still unopened ..Gauri only shook her head in answer at the painful remainder of yet another unopened gift .

" And speaking of gifts , your book to my bhai went missing .He searched the entire house after you left ,I told him that you had the gift in your hand and I didn't know why you didn't give to him in person ,you do know how he treasure them . He has an entire book shelf filled with your gifts . " Kavya was still rambling ,yet Gauri mind remained fixated on the fact he searched his entire house for her gift .

By the time the trio walked out ,the guest and family have gathered , Gauri family couldn't make it yet again as her uncle was on duty and her mom had a meeting with client ,being an interior designer gave mom flexible hours at times but she couldn't say no to client even when they invite her all of a sudden .

Then her eyes landed on him , he was speaking with Lavanya brother and Yash . She tried to ignore him for the rest of the party but barely succeeded until Kavya mom insisted Arnav drive her home in his bike .

Gauri would have preferred to go with Lavanya family ,she knew they won't mind a short detour to her house . By the time they reached her house , the rain started to pour and she knew Arnav won't be able to drive back .

"Come inside and wait till the rain stops " Gauri spoke up ,she didn't want to be within close proximity to him yet she didn't want him to drive in the harsh conditions.

He decided to stay in the portico since no one was in the house and Gauri breathed a sigh of relief when her mom arrived five minutes later . Her mom insisted on making Arnav a cup of hot chocolate and hospitality dictated Gauri should stay with him ,but all she wanted was to go to her room and stay hidden .

She remained silent though until her mom arrived with the beverage , her mom was good with small talk that she let her mom talk with Arnav and when the rain stopped he choose to leave and Gauri breathed a sigh of relief until her mom spoke up yet again .

"Yeah I forgot , you left your gift in the bed and I found it after you left .Why don't you give it to Arnav now since Kavya would want to have her gift on her birthday itself " her mom was still speaking and Gauri wanted the ground to swallow her up .

Gauri couldn't say to her mom the truth that the gift she saw had been Arnav and neither could she tell him ,in the end her mom decided for herself as she went to her room to get the book leaving her alone with Arnav .

" Taking Gauri to buy your sister's gift is easier than yours Arnav . She keeps changing her mind over a million times before she selects a book " her mom spoke up as she handed the gift to Arnav ,Gauri knew he already saw Kavya gift , Kavya was delighted with the make up kit and spent almost an hour talking about it to everyone . So he knew it wasn't kavya gift but rather is lost gift .

A gift he searched the entire house for according to his sister , at the wounded look in his face she felt the prickle of conscience that may be she treated him unfair . Just because he remained silent to his friend taunts doesn't mean he didn't think of her as his friend .

Gauri who forgave her mom lack of affection for six years ,failed to forgive Arnav lapse of judgement of a single day , the look of hurt in his face as he gripped the book made her aware this time she was the one who hurt him .

" Arnav wait " she spoke up as she rushed after him ,only to collide straight into him and then she burst into tears for the second time in the confines of his arms, she was glad when his hands wrapped around her in a gesture of support . She knew whatever the differences between they can sort it out because he was her friend .

P.S :" That it for now.. Let me know your thoughts and Feedbacks. Hit the votes if you liked it "



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