Chapter 5

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Taking a stand
Monday........ As normal as any other day could be,my Monday was going absolutely great! Bolu kept his distance,which is great news to me ,but something happened that spelt D-O-O-M for Bolu,the Ferocious A's, Dupe and Busayo. That had to face our school proprietor,hold on! Don't get so excited yet,let me tell you the gist of the matter.
I was just writing some things down during break,when a junior came into my classroom to inform me that the principal called for me ,then I stood up and made to leave,but before leaving,I took out my recorder ,I felt like I should bring it along with me to school today,so I did,and I also decided to take it along with me to anywhere I go to during school hours, including the principal's office.
On my way to the principal's office,I saw the Ferocious A's with Dupe and Busayo in the library,that got me suspicious because they can never come together to study, they can only come together for dubious reasons,so,I decided to do something wrong,I went to eavesdrop in their conversation, I switched on my recorder and leaned against the closest window ,with my recorder doing it's job,I heard Anita say to the others "how I wish Becca got raped , I can't believe our plan didn't work out like we wanted it to! Ugh ,if not for Ben she'll be brooding over he lost virginity, I wished Bolu finished the job ,and I still can't believe you two couldn't do it to her! Dupe! Busayo! What went wrong? Why didn't you do it?"
"Well....." Dupe began "we almost tried it ,but she told us she would have it with us in the school toilet the next day during break,but when we got to the toilet,a bunch if SS1 students were there,their classes were occupied and stinky,and they wouldn't go down without a fight. We couldn't do it because if either of us had gone into a single toilet together,it wouldn't have gone unnoticed..... So we failed, we're sorry Anita" WOW!!! It was all a plot.
"Fine" Anita continued " I made you two feel the joy of having sex ,I expected you to spread the love to other girls ,but no!! You couldn't do one easy task"
"See babe,leave them ! We'll get Becca anyway" said Abigail .... I left my hiding spot while they ended their meeting. I got to the principal's office and met my two favorite teachers, Miss Bukola,the government teacher and Mrs Kelly,the school nurse.
"Becca,sit" said the principal,"we were informed that you were almost raped on Friday morning,is that true? "
"Yes sir" I replied,how did he know?
"Can you tell me why you were in school by 6:40 am?"
"Well, on Thursday, Amanda informed everyone that Miss Bukola wants us in school before 7:15 for a quick Government revision,that's the only reason I was in school that early."
"Miss Bukola is this true?" The principal asked,"no sir" she said.
"So Amanda lied to you all ,anyway, Becca can you tell us who tried to raped you?"
"Yes I can" I said,and my principal adjusted his seat,his glasses,and held his pen more firmly.....then I said "it was.... Bolu Bankole ". It looked like my principal's glasses almost fell off his nose when I mentioned Bolu's name.
"Are you sure Becca?"
"Good,now, you'll help us with something,do you have any idea if it was a planned act or if it was just an independent decision on Bolu's?" I honestly don't know what entered me,but I just smiled broadly when he asked that question and I said" I can,and I have proof" I brought out my recorder and said " Bolu has made the decision to have sex with me probably a year ago,but this time around he teamed up with Anita,Amanda, Abigail,Dupe and Busayo to have sex with me, because neither of them are still virgins and they want to make sure no one else is" then I told the story of how Dupe and Busayo tried to raped me and how I outsmarted them and how my sister got her classmates you make sure their plan didn't work out .
"On my way here,I overheard the conversation among Anita, Amanda, Abigail, Dupe and Busayo. Anita is the master planner ,she initiated and hatched all the plans to get me,I also recorded the conversation on my recorder,you can listen ..." I brought out my recorder,played the tape and everyone present in the office that moment could hear the conversation clearly. At least that should erase doubts in their minds for now .
"That is solid proof can go to your class now, we'll carry out the right judgement on them"
I stood, thanked the principal and left the office, I don't know why,but I felt very happy because I felt victorious,I could even smell it in the air.
I'm still thinking of what to expect today in school,I have absolutely no idea what Mr Bayo the principal will do to the Ferocious A's,Dupe and Busayo and of course Bolu.....but I have to find out
"J.b..... still hoping to hear their judgement today...." I said to J.b,I'm it right to carry out judgement on fellow humans? There has to be something in the word of God about it. I must have seen it once,I don't think it's right for humans to judge fellow humans all in the name of revenge.
Here we are on the assembly,my heart racing,I don't know why I'm scared ,I'm not supposed to be,but I just don't feel right.... Finally, Mr Bayo walked up the podium to address us ;
"Good morning students..." He greeted and we responded ...then the speech began,he began by commending our good behaviors from the start of the term till now,and suddenly his tone changed's show time!! "
"Even with the good children in this school,some of you are bad eggs ,it's normal anyway, we're all created to be different ....but if at all you're different don't be a bad person ,I believe that most if you are now aware of the unfortunate incident that befell a student of SS3 on would he a bad thing if we let the initiators of the crime go Scot Free,but I won't make this judgement,and neither would any of the teachers,let the victim herself make the judgement on her attackers "
Wait.....what?! I can make a judgement....out goodness !! "Ololade, please come up here ". "Why me?! " I screamed in my head as I made my way up. Now all eyes are on me ,every student is looking at me with eager eyes ,all expecting my judgement.... "Now this girl here,almost got raped by her own classmate ,she has every right to ask for their suspension,expulsion,punishment or even arrest, because it is actually a crime,so Becca,what's it going to be?"
Now, I'm going to say what I want for them,I'm not a heartless person ,I have feelings,even if I appear not to sometimes. "Sir...." I began,gosh,the whole assembly is dead silent ,my voice sounds so magnified, nevertheless,I'm going to say what I want , "I don't want to pass any judgement on them" there,I said it! Everyone gasped ,they were probably expecting me to say "2 weeks suspension" or "3 weeks toilet washing" or "1 month sanitation work".
Even Mr Bayo is suprised! "Are you sure Becca?"
"Yes sir,I'm sure"
"Okay," he said,then he called out the criminals,and added "Becca might have let you go ,but I won't, you tried to take away her dignity ,so you all have 3 weeks of toilet duty each,2 weeks sanitation,and after all that, you'll be suspended for two weeks ,when you're coming to school tomorrow,bring your parents along,they need to know the kind of children they're you go"
As I walked back to my spot,I noticed some were staring at me wide eyed and open mouthed,some were whispering to each other, some even hissed, I don't care ,all I know is I did the right thing. We walked into out classroom and I could only imagine what awaits me in the class.
I sat with all eyes on me ,then Hannah approached me and asked loudly "why did you do that?!"
"I knew this would happen" I started " I wanted to have my revenge,every hone in me screamed revenge,but I had to reason " then I stood up and walked to face the class" the fact that I was given the golden opportunity to have my revenge isn't a laughing matter ,of course I wanted to watch them suffer ,I could have asked for their suspension, punishment or worse expulsion,but I didn't,why? Because even God is against revenge,so why should I go against God's will?"
"How sure are you?" Shola asked.
"Well,I've been reading my Bible lately and I've drawn closer to God,I know what he wants and doesn't want me to do. One night,as I read my Bible,I was actually reading Proverbs chapter 24, then when I got to 24,I got shocked,it says;
"Say not ,I will do to him as he hath done to me: I will render to the man according to his work"
(Proverbs 24:29)
Even in Proverbs 20 verse 22 ,it says almost the same thing.
"Say not thou,I will recompense evil,but wait on the Lord ,he shall save thee"
(Proverbs 20:22)
"I'm a child of God,and I do only what he says is right, because that's the pathway to success"
Then I went to sit,I had no idea that the initiators of the plan were listening ,well,I hope they're going to change.
My life is great,thanks to God almighty,but they're some "bumps" in my relationships with people, especially my friends. Now,my dear Jola who keeps forcing me to date gets on my nerve without the slightest idea. I don't know what to do about her,I'm just lost. Today is Sunday and I just want to enjoy fellowship with God.
Service today was nice,it's kind of an activity Sunday so we talked about peer pressure,anger,and how to stand up for ourselves.
"Becca!!" I know it's Jola calling me,let me hear what she has to say,she probably has a new boyfriend...
"Hey Jola...." I said "any new boyfriend?" I asked,I hope she doesn't slap me.
"Well,no Becca,I just want to ask if you've thought about what I told you"
"Which is? I'm lost here Jola"
" Duhhhhhh....the guy that saved you,are you going to date him?"
"No!!" I knew it! She has something stupid to say!
"Oh you this girl,when will you grow up? Better one your eyes my sister,he is gold oh,he's probably nuts for you. If you like continue doing holy-holy don't enjoy your teenage years while it lasts "
"Jola...... You know? I'm sick and tired of you! I don't want a boyfriend.... Simple! Yes,he's handsome, I really like him,and I think I have a crush on him ,but all these are temporary feelings ,who knows if when we start dating I'll loose interest in him, besides I don't even think it's right to be dating at my age,I'm strongly against that notion, because there is a time for everything and I'm not going to damage my life with one silly acceptance. And BTW ,I AM enjoying my teenage years. You seriously need to stop telling me all this rubbish about having a boyfriend,spend more of your teenage years spreading the gospel and less having boyfriends..... Excuse me please". I walked away while Jola had her eyes wide open..... Yeah!!! I did it! I told her how I felt and I'm not bothered,I might have been a bit rude,but,I really don't care,she's been a pain in my neck for a while now.

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