Chapter 2

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     The most annoying people I know
  I wore my uniform this morning, thinking,I'm going to school,to meet teachers, Juniors and classmates,the thought of my classmates made me angry,they're so....what's the word?... annoying? irritating?..Yes!!. They're the absolute worst ! They gossip, backbite,some are backstabbers ..I know some people are like that in the real world,and the most annoying quality my classmates have is that some have had sex...and I mean..a lot of times!!
      There is this girl in my class,a perfect epitome of beauty,but you'd find it hard to believe that she's a sex maniac,she has aborted pregnancies like seven times ,yet she keeps on going into sex,she has quite a fertile womb, judging by how many abortions she's had ,but doesn't she know that's she's uprooting her fertility tree? People oh!!
       There another guy,he's so cute ,girls trip anytime he passes by ,he's cute has a cool muscular build but to aggressive for my liking ,he's also a sex maniac no doubt about that ,there was a time he tried to force ME to have sex with him,I insulted him so much that he just stood transfixed on a spot, staring open eyed in horror are me, because no girl has ever stood up to him in that way I guess .I felt good that day ,I stood up for myself.
     Leaving for school this morning,I looked absolutely stunning .....well...I always do   in my uniform ..a blue,knee length skirt ,red shirt and black blazer,my hair was in a neat patewo  and base  style ,my shoes were so shiny as they could ever be. I love being beautiful and so does my sister,I mean, we're children of God right?So let's show the world how our heavenly father has endowed us with beauty ,my parents already left for work with Olu who's school is close to mom's office,so J.B and I lock up before leaving for school.
   We walked to school talking and feeling ever so joyful about so many things and nothing at the same time ,our school is just a twenty minutes walk from our house,so what's the point of boarding a bike to school when we have extra time to spare ,so instead we just trek,it's also a great way of exercising our bodies ,really great. As we got to school I just fantasized about the reality of attending the best school in town, "The Orchard" it's the best school ever,like.....EVER !! We have the best of everything, facilities, laboratories,pitches,dining hall,parties ,and ....oh!! I almost forgot,the best of annoying students,teachers CLASSMATES and assignments,gosh!! The assignments given to us can literally kill somebody,anyway,I always do mine.
    As I got to my class,the first sentence I heard was from Anita,the "fertility-tree uprooter" ,she asked "hey, Becca,have you done your maths assignment?" And I just don't understand how anger surfaced,I just gave her a very nasty look and walked away ,she didn't even say "good morning" before asking. "Well? Did you do it?" She still went on...then I replied after settling in my seat "of course I did,I'm not a bozo you know...well .....not a bozo like you...and yes,I'm not giving you the solutions"
  "Okay then, explain it to me"
  "Honestly speaking Anita, I'd love to,but I know for a fact that you won't sit still, you'll keep fluttering around like a butterfly, explaining anything, especially maths to you will just give me a big headache,and besides ,you were in class when Mr David explained differentiation ,so please,kindly leave me alone and go through your note patiently".
  "Bloody bitch're stingy "
" If you call me stingy,then you definitely don't know me"

   This is what I wasn't hoping for on a Monday,a fight early in the morning with a girl I completely detest... seriously??!! I just said  "Lord please let this day go right for me" immediately I finished that sentence a gorgeously cute boy walked into our classroom,okay,here's the thing, I know I have a "no-dating" policy ,but if this guy proposes to me to be his girlfriend,I'll definitely say "yes" ..or would I? He's cuter than Bolu,rather he's more cute than Bolu is,I'm just saying wrong words ,so a boy can make a girl go Gaga like this I understand why that crazy Jola always has a new boyfriend each week .My eyes were completely glued on him,as he stood, in the class looking around,and as he turned in my direction,our eyes met and locked ,and every other person in the class looked at the both of us ,his eyes were so magnetic at that moment ,I couldn't get my eyes off his,neither of us showed any expression....none whatsoever ,then I heard our class teacher's voice from afar,then,slowly as if we passed a mental note to each other we lowered our eyes and looked away,I just put my head on my table gazing at my skirt,my mind running wildly. He's fair,tall, handsome and kind of muscular. "Students this is Benjamin,your new classmate he'll be sitting with Becca,since she's the only one without a seat partner ",said our class teacher ,then I slowly raised my head,focusing my eyes on my class teacher as he nodded his head at me ,telling Benjamin "that's her over there",and he came to my seat,I think my heart leaped when he smiled at me,and Anita gave me a look-to-kill ,oh well,my luck!! I couldn't help but stare dreamily at him when he made to sit ,well,until he spoke "Hello,I'm Ben,you're Rebecca right?". I chuckled when I heard him say "Rebecca",no one has called me that in years ,then,I said "hey,yes I'm Becca ,don't call me Rebecca,Becca will be just fine by me"
"Okay,,how are you guys here ? I mean, character and all?"
   I thought and thought of what to tell him,and well......the truth of course "In my opinion" I started "they're irritatingly annoying to me" I felt good saying that to him because that IS the truth about my classmates . The remaining five minutes before assembly was fun ..... suprising enough he's good at English and government, we're both arts students though, I agreed to help him fit in,but honestly,he has to help himself.
       After assembly,when we were all seated in class, everybody...I mean... EVERYBODY was starring at Ben, seriously,my classmates have never been this focused in anything all through their lives ,but all of them seemed to be paying rapt attention to him,and he's only talking to me,the other girls were simply starring at me scornfully.
     Just then Anita appeared out of nowhere and said to Ben "hey handsome ,has anyone ever told you how cute you look? And besides would you like to have a good time with me sometimes? Like..I mean....a good time on the bed?" And he answered "no". Ouch that was rather too flat for an answer,at first, Anita was stunned then she said"no problem,but if you'll ever need to.... just know that I'm ALWAYS readily available,okay?" Then she walked away ,truly I wonder what my classmates see in having premarital sex ,like five girls are also involved,I keep telling them to stop but they won't comply , instead they'll be telling me rubbish like "you don't know what you're missing out on".... Are you kidding me?! I'm missing out on some thing all right ,I'm missing out on Std's , embarrassments and unwanted pregnancies,isn't that right?
       I've been taught I church that there no need to be in a rush,that when one is married,he would enjoy it completely,and even get tired of what's the rush for? ...." Is that girl okay? Does she thinks I'll like to be with someone like her? She's not even attractive" hold on a bit...did Ben just say that Anita isn't attractive? Oh goody I'm in for a treat during my last days in secondary school ohhh!! Then I said "obviously she's sick" I still giggled at the way Been said Anita isn't attractive....classic . My last days in secondary school won't be as horrible as I supposed it could be ...throughout today ,we were just talking over and over again,he told me alot about his former school,that his classmates are either drug dealers or frauds or prostitutes,and I was like "all of them??...geez" his are worst,so he head to leave the school to avoid problems for himself and his future ,and also his parents .I'm glad he left, because if he hadn't left,we wouldn't have met. We exchanged contacts and promised to chat each other up ,but I'll still do that after reading my Bible ,I still have it on my mind,I feel bad about not reading my Bible last night and it was all because of the overflown water .I do hope nothing bad happens when I start reading my Bible tonight.
      "School was really fun today" I told J.B as we got home."Really? I heard there's this new student in your class ,a guy?" She asked.
"Yeah,he's my seat partner, Ben"
"YOUR seat partner?",her eyes opened in amazement.
"Are you kidding me Becca? OMG ,lucky you,hope he's not annoying"
"Naa,I'm serious,I don't know yet but he seems really funny and cool,he even said Anita isn't attractive"
"Shut up! You're lying Becca"
"You know I'm not, because I can't"
"He said Anita's not attractive? I like him already"
I just laughed uncontrollably ,we were Changing out of our uniforms,we already have a lot to do,so we set to work fast ,so that we can settle down later to read our Bibles,we washed our uniforms excluding the Blazer ,dried and ironed them,and......within two long and overwhelming hours we were done with our chores we then decided to see to dinner ,we already soaked  garri with every topping you can think of ... WHAT?! We're just like every other typical Nigerian,we LOVE garri ,it's something you can't get rid of in our culture,so tonight we're eating rice,stew and fried plantain oooo I'm salivating already. J.B and I worked together while preparing the meal,we had to do fast time was running out ,then we went to iron Olu's uniform ,he's our baby brother you know.
...................... AFTER DINNER ..................
         Now it's nine O'Clock, "let's read our Bible now" I told J.B "yeah,we still have to read our books later". And with that,we took out our Bibles,asked the holy Spirit for understanding,and started reading,as I was reading the book of Proverbs a verse struck me ;
       "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge:but fools despise wisdom and instruction"
               (Proverbs 1:7)
        thought and thought and thought and thought,then I realized, Joseph feared God and so he didn't sleep with Potiphar's wife and God elevated him years later. The three Hebrew boys feared God and so,they didn't bow down to the graven image put up by king Nebudchadnezzar. Daniel feared God and he prayed to him the same way he always did knowing fully well that there was a penalty for doing so. Of a truth,all the people in the Bible who feared God never really got stranded,they we're all rewarded for their steadfastness to God. I closed my Bible feeling more peaceful than I have ever been before,I finally understand that scripture after all these years of reading it in church. Now let's take this scripture and apply it to our Nigeria (and world) of today. If our Nigerian leaders fear God,they won't be stealing our money,money meant to be used to improve the county,for their own use. Our male youth won't be involved in fraudulent activity,otherwise called "419" or better still "Yahoo-boy".
     Honestly this scripture goes far. If girls really fear God they won't be involved in  prostitution,boys won't be involved in betting or robbery. If we truly want a balanced and great Nigeria,or world in general,we would forsake sin. I told J.b everything I felt when I got hit by Proverbs 1:7 ,and she agreed that it was a good explanation. I prayed for God to endue me with his fear ,and more time to read my Bible.
        I took my phone,switched on my data added Ben up and sent him an emoji, then I took a good look at his display picture and my mouth dropped open,like OMG his picture is dope,it's a B&W pic of him and he looks so handsome in it,the haircut he had on makes sense ,same way the one he has on does,.....wait first....why am I thinking of one guy like this? God help me oh! Soon enough,I saw his reply "hey Bec" ,hold on,did he just shorten"Becca" to "Bec"? OMG,he did ,that's cool.
"How are you?" I asked.
"I'm cool,and you?" ...of course he's cool.
"I'm fine too"...then on and on we went ,I guess we chatted for an hour or so,then I remembered that I have to read, my final exam in literally in five months time ,and failing isn't an option,I told him I had to go and he agreed ,we wished each other good night and went offline. Our chat was very funny,he really insulted Anita,I still can't believe she could walk up to him and say all that gosh!!! That girl needs Jesus.
    I took out my literature-in-English textbook to read,but the only problem I have is I can't stop thinking about Ben...WHY?? I'm tired right now and I want to read my books not think about a new guy, I don't know him that much and I don't want to be like Anita,Jola, Feyi,or Bolu,I want to be like the Shulamite woman who didn't joke with the matters of love,never heard of her? Her story is in the book of"songs of Solomon" in the Bible,I read for like two hours more and I wouldn't lie,but Ben kept popping into my thoughts,I can't blame myself,he's cute .I was thinking of how attractive he is, although I want to know him more,if I'm up to any competition with him,how good he really is and if I can stand up to him,I know I can,and I will.
........... Two weeks later..........
    Turns out Ben is VERY GOOD,but not as GOOD as I am ,I'm still top of the class like I've always been,and I've been reading my Bible more often now,the word of God has really sharpened my mind and tongue, before I was used to proclaiming negative statements,but now,I hardly ever do that,I only make positive confessions I really thank God for his good hand upon my life,at least I've stopped insulting people
     But truth be told,I'm still managing my anger with Anita,that little witch!!!! She's not really a witch but she's so annoying. Anyway!! I've been acing all my tests,all I'm up for now is my mock exams,I still have like three final exams ,but I have to face the one nearest to me,I've been reading so much and I've been staying up Late for like 4 hours into the night. I want to be an Ambassador and I really can't bang any of my exams,final exams I mean. My parents are both successful in their career,dad's an architect,mom's a caterer,she has this huge catering business at Ikeja , dad's office is at Lekki,I love my parents so much  even though they drive me nuts sometimes,as for Ben,he keep catching my attention without even trying,I know his house now,even though it was a coincidence, J.b and I went to get some books when we saw him emerging from a compound,and like, OMG the house was looking dope! Marble walls, aluminum roofing sheet, German tiles, beautiful gardens and some trees,when he told me it was his house all I could say was "nice house", then he smiled and said "thanks" then I said goodbye and walked away,J.b and I were just ranting on and on about it. And yes! My classmates seem to be planning an attack ,I don't know,but they just keep on troubling me ,ever since Ben and I got close to each other,the girls never stopped giving me scornfully looks especially Anita, Amanda and Abigail...or as they like to call themselves..."The Ferocious A's". ....or as I call them "Dum, dumber, dumbest", Anita's their leader of course,they're also known as "the never-satisfied trio" .I heard that when they don't have any guy available for sex they have rounds with one another,so they're also lesbians, seriously,the devil is really using these three,first prostitution,then lesbianism? I would have said "partial lesbianism" but I've been told in church that "sin is sin" ,there's no "small sin" or "big sin",SIN is SIN,so yeah,they're literally lesbians. And I can't do what they do .
    Only Hannah,Shola,Pelumi,Arike and I are know...virgins,every other girl in class isn't,and they're proud of it, my prayer is that they have a change of heart and God forgives them and gives them the right husband in future,one that will overlook their flaws,AMEN. The same way Mary Magdalene kept herself until after getting married,I'll keep myself until my wedding night,I know it'll not be easy,but I can try. No one needs to know my body apart from God and I,when my husband comes,he can get involved,but,that is far away in the future,so for now, God and I.
         We are 10 girls in my class,the remaining two are Dupe and Busayo, they're still...... coming up in the sex trade,they were just like the other girls and I,but the Ferocious A's got into their heads,poisoned their minds and they gave in, first,they tried it with each other,to see how "sweet" it is,then they tried it five more times before going ahead with we're just SS3 students... we're all less than 18 years old for crying out loud!!!
          May God touch their hearts,and as for the guys.....8 in number, including Ben,only two are sex addicts,Bolu and David,others are okay,yeah...Ben included. I pray for success in my upcoming exams ....failure really isn't an option,I have the mind of Christ in me!! Devil has no authority over my life. Oh well,would you like to know more? Well,if you do.... things are about to get pretty interesting....I can feel it!!!

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