Chapter 1

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"Every Christian should read their Bible's everyday to grow in faith,"said our Sunday school teacher.Thinking over what she said got my mind racing and I immediately realised I've heard this message over a thousand times about Bible reading, I'd love to practice it though,but,I just don't have the time,I get occupied with so many little things.....I guess I'm loosing focus in this class now,let me get back to the message,maybe this time,the message will sink into my heart and drive me to read my Bible.
"If you want to read your Bible,make sure you pray first,ask the Holy-Spirit to guide you,have a notepad and pen,you never can tell what might inspire you while reading".I thought over what she said,and I realised that anytime it comes to this topic ,that's all I've ever heard,like,"pray,be born again,ask for the Holy-Spirit's guidance,seek a quiet focused ..."and so many more things....Oh well,service is almost over anyway,it's time for altar call.
I was just standing outside the classroom I just exited,rubbing my forehead and hoping to see some of my friends, especially Jola and Feyi ,I have a lot of friends though,but as I stood there,I started to realize why I never have time to read my Bible ,I'm always so busy,there was a day I read my Bible,the book of Proverbs to be specific,I really enjoyed the book of Proverbs,it's so inspirational ,I loved the feeling I got when I put my Bible down that day,I felt peace within me,it's just that,that day I had so much free time to myself,but now,I don't
Please forgive my manners,I'm Becca Ololade,my name is actually Rebecca,but I love Becca more ,it sounds cool,informal and different.
Here comes Jola,the most naughty girl I know,I'll say she's a "play-girl", but that's my opinion about her, because all she has ever used her life for is to have a "one-week-boyfriend",she dates a guy for a week,gets him to send money to her,buy her gifts,and airtime or data plans,and at the end of the week,she dumps him,giving him one flimsy excuse or the other,it all started when she got into SS1,I have no idea what got into her ,she doesn't even feel bad after dumping him,her conscience is dead, sometimes,I wonder how we became friends.
"Hello",I said as she got close to me.
"Hey girl,I've got juicy gist" she said.
"Umm ,let me guess,another guy?"
"YES!! How do you always know? Anyway,he's cute,tall, fair,super rich,I mean SUPER RICH ,I'm so going to get a lot of cash from him,like he's okay for me,too bad he'll last only for a week ,so.."
" kidding" I replied sarcastically,didn't I tell you she always has a new boyfriend every week?
"So have you seen Feyi?" She asked me,
"No,I haven't" Feyi is another friend of mine, she's like Jola except that she has a more stable relationship,it's probably two years old now. I still don't get their dating stuff ,maybe because it's not in my agenda, "I don't understand you two and you're both my friends" I lamented to Jola ."how will you understand us when you're not like us? Be behaving like holy Mary there,don't go get a boyfriend and finally know how it feels like to be in love"
"Whatever" I replied,Jola can be a real pain in the neck,she has been trying to get me to date since,for like seven or eight months now,and I keep telling her "no" but she never listens. Does she really thinks she can mould me into the form she likes? She better not overstep her boundary line .Before I knew it ,she started talking about her new "boyfriend" I barely even listened to her,does she even know how it feels like to be in love? I doubt it ,as she kept on blabbing,I spotted Feyi out of the corner of my eye,and,this girl is hard to pass by,she's tall,slim and very beautiful,she believes that wearing the best clothes shows off one's wealthy status and personality,but I don't think wearing the best clothes makes you look wealthy,it doesn't,ALL she really wants is for someone or everyone to ALWAYS notice her wherever she goes,I'm kind of the shy type although I socialize stress free. I don't like attention or crave for it,but Jola and Feyi do," Feyi is here " I said to stop Jola from going on and on about guys .
"Hey ladies" Feyi said as she got to where we were." Hello" I said and we began to walk to the car park our parents park at the same area every Sunday even though they don't know one another ,it's fun because we get to talk more, as we moved on,Jola kept on blabbing about her new guy and old boyfriends,and I kept thinking of my Bible and how I can read it,I do want to feel closer to God,I do want to pray continually,I do want to experience a spiritual life growth,I do want to read my Bible,I do need time for all of this,the time I'm lacking...hmm...I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn't even know when we got to the car park or when Jola asked me a question," Becca,didn't you hear me?" She asked
"Sorry,I wasn't listening,what did you say?"
"Gosh Becca, well,I asked of your opinion of my new boyfriend".
"Uhh.....I don't know him"
"Here's his pic",she handed me a picture of her new boyfriend,I must say he's handsome.
"I think you should stick with this one" I told her...why did I say that?! She never would .
" You know I won't".
"Yeah,I do,bye guys"I said as we got to my dad Jeep,I have a younger sister,and brother and an elder brother ,he's in the university,I'll be leaving Secondary school soon,I'm in my final year,pretty cool,as I approved my dad's car, Jibola,my younger sister came to hug me, though,I prefer to call her "J.B" sometimes it feels like we're twins, we're so tight,well,that's the way sisters should be....I guess we have almost the same features though,I'll fill you in on that later ,"hey" I put my arm around her,I love my sister so much, although there is one major difference between us both,she has. Boyfriend,Odun,he's cute though although I feel somehow about it ."hey Becca,I bought some sausages do you want to have some?" . Here's one thing about my siblings and I,we love to but things a lot,but I tend to control my spending well,to save for other VERY important things," yeah,I do" I replied,then we started on the rolls,while waiting for my parents to return we talked about today's service's teaching which was on reading our Bible more frequently,and I managed to get her to agree, suprising enough she agreed for us to be reading our Bibles everyday,I guess I'm not alone in the drive towards change. We decided to read our Bibles by 10:00 pm daily or rather nightly...although I go online by that time,I can out it off for a day,it's not hard as long as it's for God.
The rest of the day went by so fast and it was like BOOM!! 10:00 ,and just then something wierd ,like,really wierd happened,I think Olu,my baby brother (he's 10 years old though) forgot to turn off the kitchen tap and the water overflowed and wet the floor,like,every corner of the kitchen was filled with water . Olu had a time out in his room while J.B and I had to clean up the mess he made,I guess the devil is trying to stop me from reading my Bible or give up on my goal but that's not happening as long as God lives. We wiped the kitchen clean two hours later feeling wet ,tired and horribly sleepy. I was even falling asleep under the shower when I had a a quick wash,I sleepily slipped into my pyjamas,I completely forgot about my Bible ,I thanked God my books have been arranged into my school bag, assignments done and uniform ironed ,I really need a time off to get closer to God , Know so much more about him...well...more than I currently do.
"Becca,I'm so tired" J.Bsaid,
"So am I,I'm off to bed",
"Same here". We sleep in the same room, although on different beds,we have our own bathroom,but that's not separate. Our house is pretty nice and I love it. As I laid down on my bed,I though of all that just happened,and I concluded without doubts that the devil definitely didn't want to see me get closer to God,well! That's his problem and not mine,I'll get closer to God by all means and stay firmly rooted in his word no matter what life may throw my way.

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