Chapter 11

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Isabel POV:
My eyes flutter open and look around the room trying to remember how I got here. Once the sleepiness gets out of my system things come back to me and I sigh. I look down once I get out from under the covers and see that I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. So I make a mental note to get some new clothes for today. I make my way downstairs hoping to find the kitchen because my stomach will not stop grumbling. This place is like a maze each turn I make just comes to another turn and I don't even know if I'm taking the right ones. Eventually I heard some voices coming from a room so the curious person I am goes and goes to check it out. Once I got to where the noise came from I was in front of a big wooden door. I had an urge to go in and see what's inside so naturally the curiosity got to me and I pushed open the door. While opening the door I was thinking well maybe they could point me into the right direction to the kitchen but then I saw what was inside. I didn't expect there to be a group of people all surrounding a desk. Guess what happens when a single person opens the door without knocking well let me tell you all eyes are on you then. As I stand here awkwardly with a dozen eyes on me I finally just decide to wave and give an awkward smile hoping that I can get out of this situation fast. The dead silence was getting to me I felt like it was forever until I heard a voice that's when I realized that that voice was my mates. That's when I wanted to run for the hills and realized that I made a mistake coming in here, curse my curiosity.

" Isabel what are you doing here and have you ever heard of knocking" I can hear the annoyance in his voice I must have came in at a bad time.

"Well" he says. That's when I realized I haven't said anything back.

" um... I was looking for the kitchen but got lost. Then I heard voices coming from this direction and I thought that you guys could point me to the kitchen sorry I didn't knock. " I said this while awkwardly fidgeting with my fingers.

" Andrew take my mate to the kitchen "

" Yes Alpha " he walked out the door and I followed right behind him. The walk was silent at first but then I asked him what the meeting was about. He said they were discussing border control. I just nodded back. Once we got to the kitchen I thanked him and then he walked off.

I turn to the kitchen and started looking through the refrigerator I see turkey, a few lunchables, cottage cheese, lettuce,peanut butter and jelly, and other things.I decided to make myself a sandwich with a side salad. So I took out the peanut butter and jelly and the lettuce found the bread that was on the counter and make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a small house salad. While I was making my lunch I didn't realize a person walking in until I looked up and somebody said hi.

"Hi how can I help you my name is Isebell"

"My name is Ashley so what you having for lunch?"

"Just a sandwich and a side salad are you about to make something or do you want me to make you a sandwich I still have thepeanut butter and jelly out"

"Oh no that's fine I'm just gonna grab some cheese and crackers to eat as a snack"

"Oh well it was nice meeting you would you like to sit down and just talk it would be nice to have friends around here"

"Sure why not!" Ashley says in a very peppy tone

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"How about we play 20 questions to get to know each other"

"That sounds good to me"

"OK well I'll start what's your favorite color?"

"Pink! if you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?"

"Oh that's easy Italy I really want to see what it's like over there. Do you have a mate?"

"Yes I do"

"OMG!!!! Who is it!?!?"

"Alpha Xavier "

"Oh my God I've heard about you people keep talking but nobody has really seen you"

"Yeah that's because I just woke up a little while ago before coming down here to eat"

"I'm glad I got to meet you're going to be a great Luna. So should I start calling you Luna or can I keep calling you Isabel?"

"Just call me Isabel"

"OK good to know"

Our 20 questions went on and on and we even got off topic sometimes so our 20 questions turned into like an hour conversation until Ashley had to go but first she gave me her number so then we can hang out some other time. It's good to know that I have a friend here so I don't have to be all lonely. After I'm done with lunch I go and clean up my dishes and decided to just go exploring and see what's around here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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