Chapter 8

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The bedroom^^^

Xaviers POV

I was still in my office so i decided i would try and distract myself from thinking of my so called mate. I have so many questions going on in my head, its so frusterating. i sigh and lean back in my chair. i just cant focus, all i can think of is my mate. whats her name? whats her favorite color? Is she ok with me being her mate? Obviosly shes not, she ran away from me once she realized i was her mate. no i cant think that way. i just sigh again and decide to try and work on pack work again. Then i hear a nock on the door.

" Come in " I say. then i look up and see my beta waiking into my office.

" Hey Xavier what happened back there at the meeting? " my beta Jax asked me.

" I found my mate " I said.

" congrats bro! " Jax said to me while patting me on the back. i just sighd and looked down.

" She ran from me once she noticed i was her mate " i said with a sad and disappointd look on my face.

" she was probably just shocked and didnt know what to do " Jax said.

" yah but who needs a mate " i said.

" Bro why do you say that? " Jax said with a look of disbekief on his face.

" Mates just make you weak so if she doesnt want me then so be it " I said

" You cant just reject her : jax said to me

" Yes i can " i said

" She has a high risk of dieing then. " Jax says

" I know " i said with a conflicted look

" Do you want her to die? " Jax asked

" No " I said

" Then dont reject her " Jax said

" I wont " I said. " Its just i never felt this way before Jax"

" i know just try and give her a chance " Jax told me

" I will " i said

" Good " Jax said

" Maybe youll find your mate here " i said

" I hope so " Jax said looking like hes in a nice day dream.

" Ok well i have to finish this up " I said

" Ok see you later " Jax said over his shoulder

" Bye " I said

3 hours Later

   I finally finished my work so I decided to go back upstairs and unlock the door to see my mate. When I got upstairs and open the door I cannot find my mate so then I looked in the bathroom but she was not there either. Then I realize the window was open and she must've climbed down the tree. I was furious at her at her for leaving me again and this time she's gonna learn her lesson when I get her back.
   I ran out of the pack house and asked somebody where her house was. Which took me longer than I wished because I didn't even know her name, but I finally found somebody who knew who she was by when I picked up her over my shoulder and carried her to the pack house earlier that day. As I was running over to her house I was trying to control my wolf and stay in control. My wolf Isaac was not happy at all he is very mad and he wanted to put his mate in her place. Once we got to the door I cannot control my anger I was pounding on the door waiting for it to be opened if it wasn't opened any sooner than my last knock then I would break down the door. After my last knock on the door or should I say pound on the door a woman came and opened it which I am guessing is her mother. I wasn't really thinking at the time so I just stormed in and looked exactly at mate. That's when I saw the fear and shock in her eyes it made me and my wolf sad that she feared us but also we thought she should fear us then she would never run away from us again.
   I stormed over to my mate and yelled why did you run away from me! She gave no answers she just backed up away for me which made me even more mad I took three more steps closer and we were face-to-face now or should I say face the chest because she was a lot shorter than I was. But then she finally spoke up and all I can think is that her voice is so silky smooth and angelic and that I could listen to it all day. But when I finally came back to reality after getting lost in her voice I said "what?"

"I said leave me alone!!!" She said clearly angry and trying to show no fear or hesitation but she failed at that.

" i will never leave you alone you are mine!!!" I said raising my voice which I notice made her and her mother flinch. I sorta felt bad after that but it didn't last long. I tried grabbing her but she moved I tried again but this time someone grabbed my hand and pushed it back. I turned to the culprit and said "Big mistake" with anger laced in my voice.

"Don't touch my sister!!!" He yelled.

That's it that was my breaking point I punched that guy straight in the mouth and to my surprise he punched me right back. after a little fighting I heard my mates voice.

"Stop!" She yelled while trying to pull me back.

Then I felt something wet drip on my shirt and I realized she started crying so I did something I never thought I would do in this situation I stopped and hugged her. Everyone was in shock even myself. Then I stepped back and said "you have 3 days to pack then we are going back to my place." Then I left with a slam of the door.

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