Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

24 hours later, Amderestan Military Expeditionary Force Beta launched an attack on several Kanalsian Military border installations along the southern galactic edge of the Kanalsian Federation which destroyed or several damaged a number of Kanaslian Military Alpha-class vessels.

In the Lisalian Glalaxy Amderestan Military Occupation Zone, Lieutenant Colonel John-Jack Forrester sat at a table inside a small cafe and slowly drank from a cup of coffee situated in front of him.

"Morning, is this seat taken?" A Lisalian Man inquired of the window seat across from John-Jack.

"Go ahead." Lieutenant Colonel John-Jack Forrester responded to the Lisalian man who sat down with his coffee. John-Jack activated his Santurian DA-973-A datapad and read a message from Andrea and Timothy which detailed the situation on Taronia.

On the southern edge of the Kanalsian Galaxy, Amderestan Military Expeditionary Force Beta continued their assault against the Kanaslian Military bases, communication facilities, scanner installations and orbital weapons platforms. Several Amderestan Military Infantry Assault Groups started to land forces on 35,000 planets in the Kinnsas Sectors and proceeded to launch an intense building-to-building assault against several Kanalsian Military Infantry Assault Groups in several million cities on each planet.

In the Sarian Galaxy, Amderestan Military Expeditionary Force Alpha which consisted of twelve Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups exited out of the intergalatic wormhole junction hub network near the Sarian Federation-Sarian Republic border. The twelve Amderestan Military Combat Assault Groups spilt into Combat Assault Taskforces and proceeded to launch attacks against the Sarian Military Combat Assault Groups along the Sarian Republic border.

The Sarian Military Combat Assault Groups deployed along the border lost several thousand Alpha-class starships, crusiers, destroyers, starships, and super destroyers from the initial attack by the Amderestan Military Combat Assault Fleets that proceed to retreat back inside the intergalactic wormhole junction hub network.

On Calisada, the Sarian Republic Military Chief of Staff Commander Killsan and SRAAMCAF Chief of Staff Commander Linnase watched the real-time holographic tactical display of the Sarian Galaxy which indicated Sarian Federation space in red, Sarian Republic space in blue and Sarian Liberation Front space in green.

"Your plan seems to be working." Commander Killsan told SRAAMCAF Field Commander Commander Linnase in reference to the Sarian Military's withdrawl from the Sarian Republic border. This meant, the Sarian Reublic Military Combat Assault Groups deployed on the Sarian Federation border could be used to bolster defenses along the northern and western borders.

"The Kanalsian Military still has their forces along the border." SRAAMCAFFC Commander Linnase responded as he consulted the holographic map of the Eastern Group which showed the Sarian Galaxy, Sancalian Galaxy, Kanalsian Galaxy, Lisalian Galaxy and Analkian Galaxy.

In the 11th Kanalisan Council District and 12th Kanalsian Council District, launched an intensive assault into the Kinnas Sectors, Itnans Sectors, Peroia Sectors, Detas Sectors, and Minse Sectors which had twenty thousand ten planet systems defended by Kanalsian Military Combat Assault Groups, Kanalsian Military bases, weapon platform stations, communication facilities and scanner facilities.

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