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What you are about to read is the first chapter in the ninth book of my Amderesta The 3rd/4th Republic series of which seven books are available in Kindle and paperback formats. To fully grasp the various plotlines, I recommend buying Amderesta The 3rd Republic, Amderesta The 4th Republic #2, Amderesta The 4th Republic #3, Amderesta The 4th Republic #4, Amderesta The 4th Republic #5, Amderesta The 4th Republic #6, and Amderesta The 4th Republic #7 and reading them in the order listed before you read this. Once you have read the previous books, then feel free to read this and upcoming chapters that I will be posting.

Amderesta The 4th Republic #8. The Amderestan-Analkian EGA WarWhere stories live. Discover now