Amderesta The 4th Republic #8.

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Chapter 1

Andrea Forrester, and her twin brother Timothy sat in their Aunt's barracks which had the Video Reception Screen tuned to ARNN Taronia. An image of President-Elect Brians, and Deputy President-Elect Callsen appeared onscreen in front of the executive building on Crescent. Chief Judge Michael Killan administered the oath of office to them, who proceeded to each give a speech.

Two Amderestan Spacefleet Corps Criminal Investigative Service Special Agents stood a few feet away by the door in case anything happened.

Former President Michael Vellans entered Grand Admiral Sydney Forrester's barracks with his Presidental Security Agent, and took an empty chair.

"What's the situation with the Sarian Federation?" Timothy Forrester inquired of his great-grandfather

"Well, it seems the Sarian Defense Force has splinted into several militias: SAAC, SFER, and SNP who have gained the support of the Amderestan and Analkian Governments, SLF who are backed by the Kanalsian Federation, and the Sarian Defense Force who are still loyal to the Sarian High Council." Former President Vellans answered.

Meanwhile on Compassia, Commander William Lencon sat in his office at the Compassia Territory Amderestan Military Field Command Headquarters and looked over several datapads from Amderestan Military Intelligence which pertained to the Sarian Civil War. .

The SAAC,SFER, and SNP factions had contacted the Gersan-Jurisan Administration to request the support of Amderestan Defense Force Combat Advisor Groups, which prompted Former President Gersan to deploy 100 ADF Combat Advisor Groups to support SAAC-SFER-SNP forces.

Over the next few hours, the Administrative District, Region, and Territorial Senator's-Elect were sworn into office by Deputy President Callsen. ARNN Senate's cameras broadcasted the swearing-in ceremony to 400 Trillion Amderestan Citizens in the 4th Amderestan Republic and it's territories.

On Taronia, Major General Jack Forrester sat in an Amderestan Military speeder with several officers, and proceeded down a mostly empty street in Taronia City's business district. Commander Jonathan Lencon had increased the number of Amderestan Military Checkpoints in major cities throughout the Taronia Region, as the STPLA had increased it's attacks. Civilians were placed under a dusk to dawn curfew with the exception of those who worked at night.

Andrea Forrester and her twin brother Timothy sat in Brigadier General Jonas' office on Taronia ASC Medical Center's ninth floor for another conseling session as their father's excution by Sarian Intelligence had deeply affected the two of them.

"Andrea, Timothy." Brigadier General Jonas said, "If there is anything you need to talk about go ahead."

Andrea adjusted her oval shaped wireframe glasses as to see the room more clearly. "I'm just so fustrated at the Sarians, I mean the ones loyal to the Sarian Federation."

Timothy who sat next to his sister looked over and nodded in agreement with Andrea's statement.

ASCCIS Agents in the Compassia Territory and the Aoria Territory who had opened an investigation into imprisonment and execution of the late Admiral John Jack Forrester made some head way as of late.

Back on Taronia, Andrea exited Brigadier General Jona's office followed by her twin brother Timothy and proceeded down the corridor to the stairwell.

"Implying I'm not active enough?" Timothy asked his twin sister as she slid the door open and proceeded down the flight of stairs.

"Maybe." Andrea Forrester told her twin brother as he followed her down several flights of stairs. She exited the stairwell on the first floor of Taronia ASC Medical and proceeded toward the main lobby in the aministrative wing.

Amderesta The 4th Republic #8. The Amderestan-Analkian EGA WarWhere stories live. Discover now