Author's Note

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So as I stated I do have a story in the works however I refuse to post anything until I have a substantial amount done. Why you ask? Everyone remember how it took me some seven years or something ridiculous to finish Surviving Cancer, I'm Still Breathing and You're the Reason? Well I refuse (REFUSE I TELL YOU!) to ever do that to a story or you guys again.

Ya'll just gonna have to wait.

That is if you decide to stick around and see what else I decide to write. Which I hope you do.

I'll pop a message on my board when I finally get close to having my new story sorted out and ready to go so if you want to keep tabs, go follow me.

Otherwise, if you're still reading and you're like "good god, who cares? I don't want to wait for a new story!" Go take a look at some of my other stuff. And if you really want to make my day, go read my short story, A Late Night Walk. I fucking love this story (which is weird because I'm usually like "yeah, I'm alright at writing" but in this case I feel certain enough to say that I did a touch better than alright) and no ones reading it!

Stuff that's complete:

A Late Night Walk (seriously please go read it, I'll love you forever)
Hearts, Scars & Horseshoes
I'm Still Breathing
You're the Reason
Surviving Cancer
Surviving Love

Side note: the piece of crap story I wrote way back when called Don't Give Up On Me, is getting unpublished with the possibility of a rewrite. I hope to god no one is reading that story, it's embarrassing. But just incase anyone is that's why you can't find it. And I'm sorry. Not for unpublishing it but for the fact that you've wasted your time.

And lastly (I feel like this is a rather lengthy author's note this time, you're fucking cool for reading this far) I love you guys. You're awesome. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you read my stuff. I'm sending you virtual hugs and high fives but just know, if I met you in person I'm actually really awkward at giving hugs so those probably wouldn't happen 🤣. I'm also pretty bad at high fives but I'll give it my best shot. You're worth it. 😉😘

Stay awesome and beautiful just like you are. I'm gonna miss you for the little bit of time it takes me to get my shit together but have no fear! I'll be back (please tell me you read the last three words in a Terminator voice 🤞).


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