At A Loss

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"Mina! Hey Mina!"

I glanced over my shoulder even though I already knew who it was. I'd been waiting for him since I realized Owen wasn't in school. Which hadn't taken me long because Max had been looking for him.

"No Alec, I haven't heard from him." I announced, not slowing my pace as he fell in step beside me.

I wasn't about to tell Alec or anyone for that fact but I had actually texted Owen earlier. It wasn't that I was worried, because I wasn't. Maybe just marginally concerned.

"I've texted him a bunch and he won't answer. You think he's okay?" Alec asked.

I didn't know.

And honestly, after Sydney had sunk her claws into him yesterday during sixth hour, I wouldn't blame him. What she had said hurt him. Anyone could see that. And it wasn't like Owen had great self morale to begin with.

"I'm sure he's fine." I told Alec.

"Can you believe Sydney?" Alec asked.

I looked up at him, my eyebrows pinched together as we walked. Since when did we talk like this? Why was he so massive? I felt like a smurf. Didn't help I was wearing a blue shirt today.

"I never liked her to begin with but now, sort of wish I was a girl so I could hit her." He mumbled.

I shook my head. "Or we could all just ignore her and get on with our lives."

It had worked great for me up until yesterday afternoon.

"Always so mature." Alec told me.

He swung his arm around my shoulders, startling me as he pulled me into him. What was going on?

"Let me know if you hear from him okay?" He asked, looking down at me as he basically carried me down the hallway, smashed against his side.

Steroids. It had to be steroids. There was no other excuse for the ridiculous size of Alec. An otherwise overgrown child.

"If you put me down, I'll think about it."

He laughed but let go of me. "Yeah okay, talk to ya later Mina."

I stood, rooted to where he dropped me in the hallway as I watched his massive form make it's way through the sea of people. My mind drifted back to the good old days when I was invisible. I had almost done it, I'd almost made it through high school undiscovered. Damn Owen.

I blew out a breath, making the small trek back down the hallway to where my class was. Alec had not so conveniently carried me past it. I pulled my phone out as I took a seat.

I navigated to Owen's thread, my text from earlier, sitting there, still unanswered.

Me: Are you okay?

I shook my head at myself. Why couldn't he have just shown up to school so that I didn't have to worry and let him know that I was worried.

Damn him.

Me: I'm worried

I was just about to click my phone off when I saw the three little dots pop up. I let out a breath, relief washing over me. At least the obnoxious jerk was still alive.

Savas: don't worry

Why couldn't he have sent that hours ago? Or answered one of Alec's texts. Why did he have to make us worry? Why did he have to make me worry?

Me: thank god, Alec has been freaking out today, will you text him back?

Savas: yeah

I closed my eyes for a second, trying to mentally prepare myself for any and all obnoxious remarks that I may receive from Owen.

Me: are you busy Saturday?

I was vaguely aware of the class filtering in as I waited for his response. I was pretty certain he wasn't, it seemed as though he didn't do much other than school and therapy.

Savas: no

Me: good I'll pick you up at 4.

Savas: where are we going?

I was surprised I hadn't gotten some teasing remark but he was responding within seconds.

Me: patience Owen

Savas: come on, I've had a shitty week give me a hint

That wasn't going to work on me. I didn't want him to make any judgements prior to seeing the place. He didn't need time to start thinking about doubts and all the what ifs that usually plagued his mind when we introduced something new.

Me: you're obnoxious

Savas: pretty please

I felt my lips twitch but I clamped my teeth together, determined not to let Owen make me smile.

Me: text Alec

Savas: pretty pretty pretty please

I rolled my eyes and pocketed my phone. He was ridiculous.

"Hi Mina." I looked up, the flawless face of Jaelyn in front of me.

I took a deep breath, reminding myself to play nice.

"Jaelyn." I answered.

She took a seat in the desk in front of me, her arms folding across my table as she leaned closer.

"You probably think I'm a terrible person." She said, her eyes staring at my unopened textbooks.

I did. For more than just cheating on Owen. But I didn't say that.

"You wouldn't be wrong." Her brown eyes met mine and I could see the pain and regret that flooded them. "I can't believe I did that to him."

Her eyes filled with tears, her lips trembling as she tried to keep her composure. I didn't mean to but I rolled my eyes, frustrated that I felt for her. Even if it was just a tiny bit. I didn't like Jaelyn, but this girl sitting before me was clearly heartbroken. Even if she did it to herself.

"I'm sorry for what Sydney said." Jaelyn continued. "That was my fault too." She wiped at her eyes trying to keep her makeup in place. "I was telling Bre and her and Allison that I thought Owen might like you because I saw him staring at you in the hallway one day."

What was with everyone thinking Owen liked me? It was never going to happen.

Her fingers played with the fraying corner of one of my textbooks.

"I didn't mean for her to come after you."

I shook my head, as much as I didn't like Jaelyn, it wasn't her fault Sydney was mean.

"Owen's a really great guy." Jaelyn looked back up at me, her eyes a little red from holding in the tears but she still managed to be beautiful. It was annoying really. Why did one person get to look so perfect? "Before his accident he was so kind and sweet and patient. I didn't deserve him then either."

Her hand closed around mine, perfectly painted pink fingernails. I curled my chipped ones into my palms, suddenly a little self conscious of the poorly applied white polish.

"I know you will because you're not a terrible person like I am but be kind to him."

She gave me the saddest smallest smile before releasing my hand and taking her normal seat. I just stared at the back of her brown hair that fell down her back in one silky smooth wave.

I was at a loss.


I know Jaelyn sucks for cheating but I feel for her and her bad decisions. Anyone with me?

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