Not His Keeper

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I stretched my arm out from under my covers, groping for my phone. There was no way that was already my alarm. How had four hours gone so fast?

My eyelids didn't want to open.

Using the hand that wasn't holding my phone, I rubbed my face, rolling onto my back with a heavy sigh. One day I'd know what a full eight hours of sleep felt like.

I clicked my phone screen on, the light assaulting my eyes as I peered at it through slits. My phone hadn't lied, it was 4:01 am. If I didn't get up now I wouldn't have time for a run. I had to go for a run.

"One more minute." I muttered to myself knowing that I wouldn't last a full minute. That my own self guilt would start to naw at the edges of my conscious forcing me up. I couldn't be lazy. Not even for one minute. I couldn't skip working out. Just like I couldn't eat junk food. If I did, I was terrified I'd become Penny.

And I never wanted to be Penny.

So before my clock read 4:02 my feet were on the ground and I was pulling my covers straight, brushing my hand along the fabric to smooth out the lumps and wrinkles. I grabbed leggings, a sports bra, long sleeve shirt and a hoodie I had swiped from Chelsea's older brother. Stumbling around as I stuck socks on my feet before I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and brushed my teeth. I was out the door just moments later, quietly shutting it behind me so I wouldn't wake up a snoring Penny.

I took a moment to stretch my hamstrings and my quads. I hated running cold but I didn't have much other option. Waking up at 4 am was the only way I could get it in. Even on the mornings when the weather wasn't cooperating I still got up, cycling through YouTube for a hiit routine or Pilates or anything really. I just knew I had to work out. Every single day.


"Hey Mina."

I didn't need to look up to know who the towering figure before me was. I'd been waiting for him to come up to me all day. He was always checking in with me when Owen missed school, as if I knew his schedule minute by minute.

"Alec." I said curtly, pushing the remainder of my salad to the side.

Ever since he officially introduced himself the other day he'd been saying hi to me in hallways, waving as we passed. I hadn't realized that was all it took for Alec to decide we were friends.

"Do you know where Owen is today? I texted him but he never gets back to me quick."

I had to crane my neck to look up at Alec. Every time I saw the obnoxious trio I wondered what kind of steroids they had been fed. How did they get so tall? Why were they the size of men with the brain of a child? It was a wonder the human race had survived as long as it did with idiots like them.

"I am not his keeper." I told him this every time he asked.

"Yeah, right." He ran a hand over his brown hair, glancing to his side. "I just worry about him, ya know?"

I didn't. I tried my hardest to keep Owen out of my thoughts. I didn't care what any one said, the accident didn't change him. He was still a self centered jerk and I didn't have time for people like that.

"I'm sure he's fine."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

I was right. I stared up at Alec, waiting for him to excuse himself as the conversation was clearly over. But he just stood there, staring at my half ate salad beside me and the remnants of the apple I had ate.

"So are we done?"

"You know he only really smiles when you're around." Alec blurted catching me off guard. "The rest of the time he's a miserable prick. It doesn't even really make sense, ya know, you're not really that nice to him."

For once my recovery was non existence as I sat there, mouth agape, staring at Alec.

"I think he likes you."

I snorted. "Oh please. Apparently you forgot but he's dating Jaelyn and besides I would never in a million years go for a guy like Owen."

I slammed the text book I had been reading shut, gathering my things hastily. I wasn't going to waste more of my time than necessary on Owen Savas.

"Listen this was fun." Sarcasm rolling off my tongue. "I'm sure Owen will text you back when he feels like it. I have somewhere to be."

I stomped off down the hallway seconds later in search of a new, quieter area to continue studying. My normal evening tomorrow night had been hijacked on my way to school by a text message. I wasn't going to accept at first. I honestly didn't want to spend anymore time with Owen then I was forced to. But his dad had begged, pleaded and offered to pay me to basically babysit Owen. And I needed the money.

Which left me trying to finish my work early. Knowing Owen he wouldn't shut up long enough for me to get anything done. And not getting my work done was unacceptable.


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