Someone Had To

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I was trying to do too much at once. Panic starting to over ride my mind as I watched the clock tick down to my departure time. My phone waa vibrating next to me, texts from Katie and probably Max and Chelsea but I was ignoring them for the time being.

Penny was whining from where she sat on the bed, too impatient for the food that was in the oven to be done.

I was trying to read through Grace's final draft but my thoughts kept drifting to her and how she wouldn't turn her boyfriend in.

And I knew that I'd be seeing Owen at therapy tonight and I had to tell him. I couldn't in good conscious know and not say anything. Even if I did want to stay far, far away from him.

My phone went off again and I snatched it off the table with a frustrated sigh.

Katie: you should

Katie: it's been so good for me

Katie: I'll be there tonight, but even if we can't get our schedules to align you should still take him. I'll give Will a heads up if you want.

I hit reply, ignoring the group chat between Max, Chelsea and I. I had seen Owen's name and I didn't want to know why they were still talking about it. He was slowly but surely infiltrating my life and I didn't like it. Even if it was partly my fault.

Me: that would be great, thanks!

"Mina, I'm starving!" Penny called from a few feet away.

"I'll check on it."

I shoved myself up from the table, leaving my phone and trudged the few steps to the kitchen. Pulling open the oven, I stared at the frozen lasagna sitting on the rack. The cheese was just starting to liquify and I wasn't sure my sanity would last until it was done.

"Still about 20 minutes." I called, double checking the remaining time on the oven. "Can I get you a snack to hold you over?"

"Like what?"

I rolled my eyes, releasing a strained sigh. "How about some fruit and veggies?"

"That's not going to fill me up, you know that." She yelled back at me agitated.

I wondered if she realized nothing would fill her up because she over ate constantly. I didn't voice that though, I knew better. Yanking open the freezer, I pulled out a box of ham and cheese hot pockets.

"How about these?" I stepped into view with the box in hand.

She grumbled, the fat around her face jiggling as she did. "That's fine, I guess."

I started ripping open the plastic wrappers, not bothering to ask how many she wanted. And I didn't dare suggest a quantity. Closing the microwave door I stared at the time count down. There was a thousand other things I could be doing other than staring at the microwave but I was exhausted and overwhelmed. So I folded my arms across my chest and zoned out.


I had a hold of the belt tied around Owen's waist as I stood between the parallel bars.

"Ready?" I asked.

His eyes locked with mine, the typical hesitation clouding them.

"Remind me why we're doing this? She does know I can't feel my fucking legs right?" He grumbled.

Normally I would have rolled my eyes. But ever since Max dropped the news that Jaelyn was cheating on him, I didn't find him quite so obnoxious as normal. In fact, I felt for him.

"You have function in some of your leg.  You need to move those muscles too." I explained.

He cocked his head at me, his arms still stretched out and clutching the bars like at any moment he was actually going to try. I knew better though, Owen always had to work through his nerves. Which usually meant a whole lot of talking and voicing his doubt. I learned that some patience while he talked and some pushing while he doubted usually got him through it.

"Are you ever going to tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

I'd been struggling with how to tell him. How does one walk up to someone and slap that kind of information on them? What if he had absolutely know idea and it shattered him? What if he cried? I was not equipped to handle emotional crying, especially not from Owen.

"For real." He pushed.

I knew I had to tell him though. Not that I'd ever date but if I had and the tables were reversed I'd hope someone would tell me. So I took a deep breath, crossing my fingers so to speak that this went as well as it possibly could. That I didn't totally destroy Owen's world. Because for as much as I didn't like Owen, he also didn't deserve it. No one deserved that sort of betrayal from people they love.

I let go of the belt and he instantly followed my lead, letting his arms return to his lap. I couldn't help but feel a spark of anger ignite within me as I thought back to the conversation Owen and I had about my dislike for Jaelyn. Now it had only grown. It made me mad that he had defended her. A girl like Jaelyn shouldn't be defended, she knew what she was doing and she had purposefully hurt him.

"I have to tell you something. You already know I don't like Jaelyn but..." I paused to take a deep breath, hoping like crazy he'd believe me. Rip it off like a bandaid. "I promise I'm not making this up either. But she's cheating on you, with Drew."

The words flew out of me and when the last syllable left my mouth I just stared at him Owen. My eyes dancing between his, trying to figure out how he was going to react, what he was thinking, feeling. And the strangest thing happened. That lunatic smiled. He made no sense.

Had he not heard me?

"I know." He let out this soft, low chuckle.

I was so confused.

"You know? Why are you still with her then?" I asked, my eyebrows knit together as I continued to gape at him slightly.

He shrugged his shoulders, his gaze dropping to his lap for a minute. "I don't know."

"You need to break up with her. I don't understand why you wouldn't as soon as you found out." I instructed.

I was baffled. Why would anyone stay with someone if they knew they were being cheated on? Why did people go back to those that hurt them? Why would they stay?

"I'm not ready to face Drew." His face was straight, voice sad as he spoke.

I couldn't even imagine Max or Chelsea doing something like that to me. I felt this urge to wrap my arms around Owen and offer him some comfort but I swallowed it down. This might not be fair to him but I couldn't let this one moment of vulnerability get under my skin. Maybe he was hurting now but guys like Owen always got over it. Usually by destroying someone else.

"You just want me single so you can have me all to yourself." A smirk lit up his face.

I rolled my eyes, glad I hadn't let myself hug him. He was annoying and immature and no part of me wanted to put up with him longer than I needed to.

His smirk transformed into this huge smile. I wasn't above admitting to myself that it was beautiful. I would however deny the flutter in my stomach until the day I died.

"You're obnoxious. Now let's do this."


Does anyone know what Job's Daughters is? It's the girls version of the Free Masons? That may not help either but I had to go to this ceremony of sorts  because my cousins are heavily involved in it. Three hours guys, three long hours of people talking and crying. It was so boring. Plus we had to drive two hours to get there. I don't think I got home until like 1 am. I'm tired.

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