A/N ,Questions, and Characters Speacking

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Ok guys I won't update until one more week so I can get chapter 20 and 21 ready to be up. So i'll update both in one more week or so.

Here's some Questions~

1- Who do you prefer for Faith? Adam or Chance

2- Is the story great so for?

3- Who do you like best?

4- Do you like Chance or Adam?


Me- So Faith did you like it when Chance kissed you,

Chance- Did you Faith

Faith- ~o.O goes wide eye~ NO!

Me- So you did not like it

Faith- yep and he made me cry

Adam- Babe who made you cry, i'll beat them to the pulp

Me- No need for that

Adam- yes there is

Me- No there's not i'm the author here your not so I should stop talking so BYE!!

All- NO!!

Me- Bu-bye!! ~ with a smirk ~

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