◎Chapter 8◎ Date Night

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"tomorrow at 7 and make sure you wear something causal," I nod my head.




◎Chapter 8◎ Date Night

◎Faith Lee's p.o.v◎

Today is the day i'm going out with Adam.

I can't wait. I go look for Sally cause it's like 10:00 in the morning.

I finally find her and say,


"yea Faith,"

"uh I got a date tonight,"

Sally squeals out,

"with who Faith?!,"

"uh umm Adam,"

"omg, omg he totally got got over Alice,"

"who is Alice,"

"umm uh it's his mate,"

"where is she,"

"umm up there," she points,

"you mean she upstairs,"

"no she's in a better place,"


"I shouldn't of told you but I knew you'll find out sooner or later and I think you remind him of her,"


"you look like her,"

"oh ok, let's talk about the date,"

"ok and let me do your makeup and pick out our clothes,"

"ok fine,"

"let's go to the mall and pick you a dress and shoes real quick so I can make you perfect for yours and Adams date,"


At the Mall

We finally got to the mall and we went in a random store.

Sally looks at this black dress and hands it to me,

"this would look good on you,"

"I don't like it it's will show to much cleavage,"

"fine i'll look for something else," I nod my head then she looks for something then I start looking at the clothes then I spotted a lime green dress it was short in the front and long in the back, it look perfect then I went to get Sally,

"come with me to the clothing rooms,"

"ok," then we went then I told her to dot down then I went in there and tried the dress on then I look in the mirror and I look different.

I go out and show Sally and she say,

"girl if I was a boy I would totally bang you,"

"yea right but i'm getting it,"

"ok girl but we need to find you some shoes to,"

"yea I know," I went to take the dress off then I put my clothes on then I get the dress then I went to go pay for the dress,

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