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We can't all be perfect.

She decides, siting next to a partially fogged up window peering out and watching a handsome young man give his coat to his lady friend. Her boyfriend would never do that for her. If anything her boyfriend would scream and throw a tantrum until he got what he wanted.

He seemed like such a catch. He was in her AP Chemistry class in Junior year, he was always on time, was an active member in group projects. He was just what she was looking for. He asked her out randomly in the middle of the year. He walked up to her lab station, and "popped the question" in a sense. She knew he had all of the attributes that she found attractive, so she didn't think twice to say yes. She didn't even give him her name.

There she sat, thinking of what could have been. They have been shaky ever since he went to that house party a month ago. She's not the type to "party" or "let it loose" or even use a #YOLO. She likes things to have a set time, and place. He doesn't understand that. He is all about living life and not letting rules rule over excitement. She just can't stand always having to be the mature one in the relationship. She can be fun. She can create exciting things. She knows she can.

So why is she sitting in an almost empty coffee shop wishing to have an over sized coat draped over her narrow shoulders? She should be out and about. Making people envious of her extensive accomplishments. She should be daring, cunning, spectacular; make the world her oyster.

She knows what she wants but she also knows what is expected of someone like her. Her plain straight card stock brown hair and off-blue/ off-green/ off-grey eyes, and deep pink skin. She is average. The only thing that isn't average about her is her height. Of course. One of the biggest deal breakers in a relationship. Guys always want to feel in-charge and like the boss.

The couple moves on down the poorly lain street and onto greater things. As they move out of sight her attention is quickly brought to the awe inspiring sunset. The warm tones mixed with the cool normalcy of nightfall swirling together soothe the day away. She watched the sun droop slowly as the minute amount of coffee dried in the deep purple mug.

She lost track of time. Lulled by the changing scenery and the warmth of the atmosphere in the shop that she fell into a much needed nap.

She struck herself into wakefulness and looked around to make sure all of her items were still where she had left them. They were. She began to cry. She knew she would have to go home at some point, but that doesn't mean she wants to face reality quite yet. In a last ditch attempt to stall time, she grabs her wallet and makes for the handsome man at the counter.

~~~~Feedback is greatly appreciated~~~~

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