A Grey Kind Of Day

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"Now really isn't the best time for this." Savanna says in a clipped tone as she continues out the door."Leave me alone."

Thrown for a loop, Ottie grabs Savanna's hand before she can fully cross the threshold of the doorway. "Wait a minute, please. Come back and let's sit down." Wondering if she should listen to this dream in khaki, she walks back to her late table, all the while scolding herself

What could this barista possibly know about this. Why should I even say anything to this guy. . . How could he ever help someone like me.

Sitting down in a huff full of sadness Savanna moved to look out of the window as she tried to get her emotions back under her control. " What do you want?" She asks Ottie, not making any effort for eye contact."To be completely honest, I really don't know. I saw that you were in distress, and I just wanted to make sure you were alright before you left for the night."

Still not quite sure she looks up at Ottie with semi-red eyes and softly says " Honey, I don't think you want to know." Ottie rebuttals with "Well I have all night and nothing to do. Please Savanna, I can tell something is wrong. Just confide in me a bit." "No. Can't you just leave me alone?" Savanna says with wild eyes.

"Why, so that you might do something irrational? Just calm down a bit and let me take you home. Please it will do us both good."

" How would any of this help you? You're just some random barista."

"I wouldn't expect you to think highly of me , but I could get you a nice cup of tea and escort you home. Would that be alright?" Ottie asks with soft safe eyes.

Contemplating Savanna asks herself Should I trust him? For all I know he could be some kind of serial rapist. He could let me get halfway hoe and kill me. . . but he doesn't  look like the kind of guy that would do that. What do I have to lose? I just hope that He doesn't ask questons.

"Fine. Honey Vanilla Chamomile, medium. Please. " Savanna resolves with a small hint at a smile. "That's my girl."


"Sure is cold out tonight." Ottie observes nonchalantly, expecting a reply but never getting one. " The stars sure are bright tonight..." Nothing. " Um, where's your car?" Finally earning an answer "I didn't bring it." Their group of two slows to a halt. " You can go home if you want. I'll be fine on my own." Walking away her footsteps echo in the empty cobblestone lamp lit avenue.

"I said that I was going to escort you home didn't I? A woman shouldn't have to walk home alone." Ottie replies slightly delayed. "A woman?" Savanna questions, her entire body language shifting to annoyed and hostile. " A woman? I'll have you know that I can do more than just sit there and be the victim sir. Now kindly leave me the hell alone."

Ottie knows he stepped in it, he just isn't aware how deep yet.

Expecting him to have left her just as soon as she snapped, Savanna tries to stomp away in 'anger'. Ottie being the stubborn mule that he is followed shortly after.

Still quite heated about being called a woman when it was already established, meaning belittlement, Savanna zips up her worn jacket and continues. The awkwardness is getting somewhat palpable when Ottie tries to test the waters once more. He is startled by the ease that she answers with.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for the way that came out. Is there anything that you would like to talk about? I'm not a fan of awkward silences." Ottie begins shyly growing in confidence but the end.

"There wouldn't be any if you just stopped following me. Seriously though, my boyfriend won't like seeing me walking home with someone else." Savanna says losing most of her patience.

She looks froward to see the next intersection just to see her apartment lit up and two figures seemingly making out in yellow light. The curtains might shield the two from the world, but they do little to shield Savanna from the truth of what she has known for a while. She stops walking, and looks at Ottie in a sense of desperation and states, " Um, not that this wasn't amazing, but I think that I can make it to my apartment from here, thank you." Secretly bashing herself for being rude.

" Oh, ok. See you tomorrow?" Ottie tried. "We'll see." Savanna replies giving a small lip only smile to him as she walks away, trying to look confident when she doesn't know what will wait for her behind those wretched doors of her home.

~~~~Feedback super appreciated, Oodles of thanks for reading lovelies <3~~~~

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