Chapter 3

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I was sitting at the bar, a bottle of beer in hand. Just watching the guys of my band having fun. I was always the one to get them back safely.

We were pulling out at first light, so Sky, Haden, and their girlfriends wanted to go out to the closest bar.

I turned back to the bartender and motioned for him to give me another. He did and I took it. Just as I took a drink, I heard a familiar deep voice beside me.


I looked to see Austin was standing beside me. The bartender asked him what he wanted and he asked for some shots of tequila and Whiskey. He nodded and went about getting the shotglasses and two bottles of liquor.

"I'll help ya if ya get one of the guys to carry my beer," I told him, laughing.

He nodded and motioned to the guys, Phil walking over.

"Here, carry my beer," I told him, handing it to him.

He took it with a confused look as the bartender put the shotglasses on the bar and the bottles. I grabbed the bottles as he grabbed the glasses.

He led me over to where the guys were seated and set the bottles down, seeing that Alan was missing.

"Where's the Ginger Princess?" I asked, confused as I took a seat next to Aaron.

"He decided to stay on the bus," Tino answered, sighing.

"He said something about not wanting to be in public other than sets," Phil added.

I sighed, "Has he said anything as to why?" I asked.

The guys shook their heads, making me sigh again, "You mind if I?"

"Go ahead," Austin told me. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

"Nah, I'm not the party type," I explained as I stood. "Just, can you do me a favor and keep an eye on the rest of them? Make sure that Haden and Sky don't make out with their girls and that they get back safely?"

Austin laughed and nodded before I left the bar. I walked up to my Kawasaki Concours and hopped on, pulling on my helmet. Hey, I always took it with me on tours. We usually kept it in the trailer with our gear. Along with mine and Sky's dirt bikes.

I started my motorcycle and drove off. I always rode my motorcycle while the others got a taxi. Don't ask me why but that's the way it was.

I got back to the buses in record time. I put my bike back in the trailer in its spot beside the gear and put my helmet with it.

Heading over to the Of Mice & Men bus, I ran my hand through my hair to get rid of helmet hair. I knocked on the door and Alan answered, confused.

"You're not with them?" he asked as he let me on.

I shook my head, "I'm not the party type," I explained as he closed the door and joined me in the front lounge.

"So, why did you come here?" he asked me as he took a seat.

"Honestly, You're worrying me and your band," I answered. "You have them worried sick. You won't tell them anything."

"Why do you care?" he asked me harshly.

"You don't get it, do you?"

"What is there to get?"

"Look, get whatever it is off your chest," I answered. "Whatever you tell me, you can bet your ass no one else will know unless you tell them. Okay?"

He sat beside me and looked like he was debating it. He finally sighed and started speaking.

After he finished explaining, he ran his hand through his shaggy ginger hair. His girlfriend broke up with him and had told him that it was just all a game to her. And that she had been fucking some other guy the entire time.

"Alan, no one should treat you like that," I told him. "No one. And I want to help you get over her. Is that alright with you?"

He looked up at me with a shocked look in his eyes before he nodded slowly.

I gave him a smile and pulled him into a hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me.

"At the next venue," I said pulling away from the hug. "I want to show you something. Alright?"

He gave me a small smile and nodded.

"What is it?"

"Something special," I told him with a grin. "Every time we go to the city, I head over there."

He smiled and I laughed.

"See? There's that amazing smile!" I exclaimed, laughing.

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