Technoblade Never Dies

696 19 14


After talking to Skeppy, Dave started to stream bedwars, his chat was full of technoblade never dies, what a nerd, and scam. After a while he saw a donation from Skeppy saying to 1v1. After tech finished his game he partied Skeppy on hypixel. In the party chat Skeppy spammed to get in teamspeak. After getting moved he heard his lovers voice. And it sounded like he wanted to win the battle. After a short battle Technoblade won by a long shot.

The next 2 hours of his live stream was just him and Skeppy having fun. Dave was blushing whenever Skeppy said something flirty like "omg you cutie sotp" Technoblade had to mute his mic so nobody heard him say "my god Skeppy I love you so much" he then unmuted. In the last round Skeppy finally won a game of skywars against Technoblade. Skeppy's reaction when he won was adorable to Dave. All he wanted to do was hug and kiss Zak all day and shower him with compliments.

After the stream ended him and Zak talked for 2 hours about things going on in both of their life's. After a bit Zak told Dave that A6D was coming over to comfort him. Dave wondered if this "A6D" person liked Skeppy too. Technoblade was wondering in his mind until Zak asked if he was ok. Dave then said "I got to grab my diamond sword downstairs be right back" he thought he muted his mic, downstairs Technoblade was grabbing a bite of some food because he didn't eat lunch due to his live stream. After heating up the 3 slices of pizza he came back upstairs and said "Zak why are you so perfect" he said not too far from his mic

"Zak why are you so perfect" Zak heard this loud and clearly, Zak was getting nervous because even when he liked Darryl there was a huge part of him that still likes Dave. Zak started getting jittery. He wanted to tell Dave his feelings for him too, but he held onto his words. Dave said "Zak you there?" Zak instantly started panicking, he didn't know how to react or how to talk normally without stuttering from what he just heard.

Zak replied "yes I'm here I was just recalibrating the bisectors from the photosynthesis" Dave then said in his low voice "oh god dude we can be here all night exchanging big words because I have a phenomenal vocabulary" Zak wanted to put random big words together but didn't. Zak then said "I got to go Techno" then quickly zak said "LOVE YOU BY-"

Buddy disconnected

Those last 3 words caught Technoblade off guard, all that was replaying in techno's head was "love you bye" Dave sat on his bed, who knew 2 words could make someone feel so happy and confused. Techno wanted to call back and say love you too but didn't

(He had to just mean it in a friendly way right?), Technoblade was so confused, he decided to just sleep it off, his dreams were amazing because Zak was in it.

Zak didn't mean to say that, Zak was panicking so bad, should he call him back and say it as a friend way or did Technoblade didn't see it as a more then friend way. Zak came to a conclusion that Dave was most likely straight. Zak felt very worried so he just slept it off like Technoblade

Vincent was getting his things ready as he had to fly out in the evening tomorrow, he made sure to pack a decent amount of clothes because he assumed he will be there at least 2 weeks or 3. He drank some coffee to wake him up some more. He resumed packing again.

Timeskip The Next Day 9 AM

Vincent woke up and started to get ready to fly out at 3 PM he then called a taxi to put in his luggage, he made sure to have his Passport and keys, along with his phone and laptop along with his mic Incase he wanted to record.

Timeskip 3:14 PM

Who knew Miami was so beautiful? Vincent thought he then looked at the text message he got from Zak telling him the address, he noticed it's a 3 hour walk, he decided to call a taxi to make it faster

Timeskip 3:56 Pm (sorry for Timeskips)

He was right in front of Darryl's and Zaks house, he knocked on the door, he heard some footsteps and was greeted by a fluffy haired, a little below average height man, he was greeted by a hug along with "VINCENT!!" With a happy tone. The place was some what organized even without Darryl. He then made himself at home he sat on the couch. Zak asked if he wanted anything to eat or drink. He politely declined.

Zak then said "I'll be in my room make yourself at home"

Vincent said "hey stupid what room will I stay in" in a joking manner

Zak then facepalmed and said "whoops my bad" he guided him to his room. Vincent curiously asked who's room is this, it was a room slightly in front of Zak then said a bit sad "oh it's Darryl's room"

Vincent said "oh"

Zak was a bit sad but brushed it off before it became bigger.

Vincent and Zak both said in their mind "this is gonna be one adventure"

Zak was then snapped out of his mind when he heard someone join his TeamSpeak. It was Technoblade

Buddy has joined

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