Chapter Eleven

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I sat as far as I could from the strange boy, but his eyes never left mine. I tried to distract myself by doodling on notebook paper but it was useless, my hand was shaking and I hade no idea why.

"So, you must be Faith." I heard a low deep voice say. I looked over to see that the voice belonged to him. All I could manage to do was nod slowly. He smiled obviously realizing the affect he had on me. "I'm Damien. You may have heard of me before." He said.

"Actually I haven't."

He smirked, "you haven't, yet."

The art teacher clapped her hands and I took my eyes right off his immediately.

"Okay, I would like you all to draw your favorite animal today to begin class."

I sighed, I sucked at drawing animals, but I just went with a wolf since I was most familiar of what they looked like.

Damien watched over me carefully, and once I was finished with the wolfs head he cocked his head slightly. "A wolf." He said.

"A wolf." I mimicked.

"Why a wolf?"

"Why not?"

He didn't respond.

I continued with my drawing and literally almost died sitting through the rest of the class. I tapped my foot eager to go to third period with Maya, and shot right out of my seat once he bell rang.

I walked quickly down the hallway and turned a corner to where my next class was. English.

Collin and Layla sat next to each other, and smiled once I walked in. The blonde girl that gave me the death glare earlier was also sitting behind Collin. Oh joy.

Collin tapped on the seat next to him signaling for me to sit, so I did.

"Glad you didn't get lost this time. How was art?" He asked.

"Fun." I said sarcastically, not even bringing up Damien.

He chuckled and Maya soon later walked in. I grinned once she saw me and patted the seat behind me and next to the blonde girl.

Before she could sit down the blondie slammed her purse down and shook her head. "Sorry but this seat is being saved." She spat. Maya cocked an eyebrow up and kicked the purse out of the seat. "Well that's a bummer because it's already taken." I couldn't help but chuckle softly as she sat down. "I-" the blonde girl began but Layla just cut her off. "Lexi."

So that's the brats name. Lexi scowled at us before turning back around in her seat and dramatically picking up her purse as if it was going to kill her.

The rest of English was a blur because my mind was still thinking about all the odd things happening today. Thank god my thoughts killed time because the bell finally rung for lunch.

After getting our trays, Maya and I found Collins table and took our seats there. It was Collin, Lexi, Layla, Maya, and a few other people I recognized from my classes at the table. "So, your Maya?" Layla asked, and Maya and Layla began a conversation.

Collin turned his head towards me, "So why'd you decide to move here?" He asked.

I quickly tried to think of an explanation, "uh um, well my dad switched jobs and so we had to move schools."

"Oh. You and Maya? Are you related?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Close friends. She's lived with us ever since her parents died."

"Oh okay." Was all he managed to say.


After that everything remained quiet and awkward. My last class went by pretty slow, and lucky for me Damien was In it. The only good part was that he sat on the complete other side of the room. But the entire two hours of class he'd just glare in my direction. Once we were dismissed I found my way to the front of the school and met up with Margie and Maya.

Margie grinned as she approached us, "oh my god you'll never believe it but, I found my mate!" She squealed.

"No way! Congratulations!" Maya squealed back. I smiled and gave her a hug. "Congrats Margie, you deserve to have your soulmate." I smiled.

"Aw, thanks Faith. He's really sweet and soon I'd like you both to meet him! His name is Jackson."

"Wait he's a wolf?" I asked.

"Yes, but he doesn't have a pack. He lives with his parents. They aren't like other rogues though because they act way different. I promise." She smiled. Maya and I exchanged looks obviously not knowing how to respond. If Aiden ever found out that Margie's mate was a rogue, it wouldn't end good.

Margie awkwardly trailed off, "So, make any new friends?"

"Actually yes, we both socialized for once with other humans." I nodded, high fiving Maya.

"We also met the schools bitch which is pretty cool." Maya chocked out.

Margie laughed, "There is always one."

Jace pulled up to the school and we all started walking out to the car. "Do you think he'll let us drive ourselves?" Maya asked.

Margie shrugged. "He doesn't like people using his car, and his and Aidens cars are the only ones we have that aren't at the pack house." Maya nodded and we both hopped in the back seat. Margie slid into the passenger and we drove off.

That night I didn't sleep good at all. My mind was elsewhere and I couldn't help but wish I was as happy as Margie when I met my mate. But oh no my mate is a crazy killer alpha bitch.

I sighed knowing I wouldn't ever fall asleep and strolled towards the kitchen. Before I turned the corner, I could hear whispering coming from the other room. I pressed my ear up against the wall and listened carefully. It was Margie and Jace.

"We can't tell them, we just need to stay calm and tell Aiden instead." Margie whispered.

"I dont know, honestly I think it was dumb to think that they weren't actually here. Did either of them say anything about their 'new' friends?"

"Not when I talked to them."

"Well soon if we aren't careful their lives could be In danger. If any of them find out who Faith is to Aiden, they'll kill her."

I gasped louder than expected and quickly bit my lip. Who was 'they' and why the hell aren't they telling us what's going on? I couldn't help but think about the patch in the woods I saw. I didn't think it was that big of a deal at first, but apparently my thoughts were false.

I heard footsteps make their way towards me so I quickly and quietly made my way back towards my room. I shut the door behind me and crawled back into bed.

Damnit I was still hungry. I rolled onto my stomach and tried clearing my mind. It was no use. Everything was so confusing now. Ever since we entered this town everything appeared strange and different. And for once in this entire trip, I dreamed about Aiden.

Authors Note:

So I'm already starting on the next chapter you guys. I know exactly what you're thinking of the new characters I'm adding. And that's my plan hehehe.

So what do you think of Maya's personality now that you've gotten to know her?

Yay or nay on the story so far?

hope you guys are liking it! I promise for exciting parts and maybe even a little sexual content like I said in the beginning. Wink wink.

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