Chapter Twelve

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Beginning to cast the characters. Above is Margie. The last two chapters I already have shown Faith and Aiden. I'll be showing better pictures of Faith soon though.

I had been running through the woods with something close behind. It was a dark figure that I couldn't quite set my eyes on. All I knew was that it was full of darkness, hatred. The only thing I could remember was that it wanted me. I didn't know why. I didn't know whether it was to murder or slave me, but I knew it wasn't because of love. Before it could reach it's hands out to grab my wrist, Aiden jumped in the way and threw the body out of sight.

He wrapped his arms around me and for once we actually looked happy. I actually felt happy. Until I woke up. I couldn't remember most of my dream but I knew that there was more to it.

The clock read 11:00, and I knew I hadn't gotten much sleep at all. I laid back down exhausted from all the mixed signs. Everything was so confusing. But I knew I needed to figure out what the hell was going on. So I would.

The next morning when my alarm went off I just laid there. It took me a minute to realize I had to go to school again, and with that I groaned and slammed my hand down on the alarm. I flipped covers off of my body and made my way towards the bathroom.

Of course my hair was at it's natural worst so I decided to just go with a low ponytail. After throwing on some jeans and a t-shirt I put on some shoes and left the room.

Maya seated herself on the kitchen counter and texted away.

Margie on the other side smiled while pouring some cereal in a bowl. "Cereal?" She asked, getting milk out of the fridge. "That'd be great, thanks." I replied, sitting down on a stool next to Maya.

I couldn't help but stalk her texts and find out that it was from Collin. "Oh, you got his number?"

She nodded, smiling as she texted him back. "He's really cool, and the best part is since he's human he has no mate either!" She squealed.

Honestly I didn't think it was a good idea for her sake to date a human. Too risky of him finding out what we all are. I kept my mouth shut though because I knew it'd just make her feel bad since her mate was dead. She never liked talking about it.

Margie placed a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch In front of me. "Just be careful Maya, and you'll be seeing him soon so enough with your phone." Margie said almost like she was annoyed.

Maya gave her a look before placing her phone down. "Why do you care about this so much?"

"I don't."

"Then don't worry about it."

Maya picked her phone back up and texted him again.

Margie just tightened her figure and started cleaning off the counter.

I slowly began eating my cereal, trying to change the mood. "So-" I was cut off my the door opening up wide and slamming back against the wall. We all shot our heads towards it, and I swear I almost choked on air. Aiden.

His dark hair was pulled back in a sexy way and I couldn't help but stair at the shirt that hugged his body perfectly. I knew what he was trying to do. But I wouldn't be giving up this easily. I literally had to tear my eyes off of him to finish my cereal, trying to not seem surprised that he was here.

"Aiden, what are you doing here?" Margie asked.

"Just going to finish up junior year." He grinned.

I slammed my spoon down back onto the bowl. "You graduated already."

He cocked up an eyebrow. "No, I skipped junior year."

"Um no."

"Um yes, now get in the car, Jace is waiting for us."

He smirked then walked back down stairs. Maya's face was emotionless but I could feel steam coming out of my head.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I didn't talk the entire car ride, just had my back facing the direct opposite of Aiden.

He sat in the passenger seat while Jace drove and Margie, Maya, and I sat in the back. I sat in the middle which was a huge mistake because I could barley even move my toes.

I ended up avoiding Aiden once we got to school, even though I have first period with him. Collin sat beside me once I walked into the classroom. "Hey."


Aiden walked in and instantly glared at Collin. He made his way slowly and painfully over to us. Oh my god, one guy friend please, just one guy friend Aiden.

He plopped in the other seat next to me and 'casually' scooted my desk closer towards his. I slammed my foot on his and gave him a glare. He didn't budge. Collin sat there awkwardly knowing that Aiden could beat him up just at the sight of his figure.

"Fuck your way out of my life." I mumbled so only he could hear me.

"Wow, that one almost actually hurt." He replied.

Once class started I took my attention off of him and faced the front of the room.

After our test, Mrs. Gram released us early to our lockers and I quickly got the hell out of there. The only problem was that I haven't been to my locker yet so I'd have to look for it. Aiden caught up to me and walked with me down the hallway.

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off, "I know I screwed up."

I laughed, "you think? I went through hell with you and if you really think that you coming to my school will let me change my opinion of you, you're freaking wrong. Just leave me alone because I'm not in the mood for you right now."

"Faith, you don't understand. I came here to keep you safe. Margie thinks you won't leave the school because of the reason you should."

"And why should I?" I stopped and looked over at him as he did the same.

"Does this have anything to do with the trail in the woods I saw?"

His expression went cold and I swear his eyes darkened. "No. That trail just leads to trouble, okay?"

So he knew what it was too.

"Well maybe if you told me what was down there I wouldn't go."

"You won't go because I told you too."

I chuckled, if he really thought his alpha tone would work on his mate, he was dead wrong.

"Maybe I'll go if I want to." I shot back.

He quickly pinned me against the wall, caving me in with his body."

"Faith, you are forbidden to ever step close to that property. If you do, you'll regret even thinking about it. I swear I'll make your life miserable. I know your weaknesses."

I gasped at his quick reaction and had to soak in what he said because my back was still aching at the strength he used to slam me against the wall.

Where the hell were the teaches anyways?

"If you would really do something that violent to me then why do even care if I fucking go." I spat, shoving past his grip and storming down the hallway.

Luckily he didn't follow, and I didn't care. I kept walking until I finally found my locker. I switched my first period things with my second and third then slammed my locker shut with anger that flowed throughout me.

So he thinks his words will stop me from finding out what I wanted to know? Well he was dead wrong.

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